Junior Underwriter

UNIQA, Страхова компанія

Дата: 2 дні тому
Місто: Київ
Адреса: вулиця Олени Теліги, 6
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
UNIQA, Страхова компанія

UNIQA Insurance Company is a leader in the Ukrainian insurance market and a member of the Austrian UNIQA Insurance Group, one of the largest insurance groups in Europe, invites a Junior Underwriter in Property and Liability Underwriting Department (this position is suitable for graduates without relevant work experience).

Key duties:

  • Underwriting and risk assessment in property, liability, financial lines and specialty
  • Communication with clients and international partners
  • Preparation of the insurance policies for corporate client
  • Contract management for corporate clients
  • Compliance with the underwriting policy of the Company as regards risks considered for insurance
  • Elaboration of the standards and methodology documents and upgrading of the existing ones (policies/general insurance terms and conditions/rating tools)
  • Participation in the development of new products and actions to improve the existing ones
  • Collaboration with sales forces (quotations, consulting, presentations)
  • Insurance portfolio monitoring and management, drawing up recommendations regarding loss ratios
  • Preparation of reports, presentations, and marketing materials for own projects and those of senior underwriters
  • Assistance to senior colleagues


  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree (can be combined) in finance, mathematics, law or engineering
  • High level of self-organization and motivation, ability to make independent decisions
  • Systematic vision and approach to problem-solving, desire for self-development and self-realization in the insurance industry
  • Organizational skills, attention to detail, mathematical and analytical skills
  • High level of English language proficiency at Upper-Intermediate or Advanced level (ability to communicate and read professional documentation in English)
  • High computer skills, in MS Office; ability to independently and quickly find necessary information in open sources

Will be an advantage:

  • At least 1 year of work experience in a similar position or in an international brokerage company; for graduates - successful participation in Ukrainian and/or international competitions/ Olympiads and projects, positive internship experience in financial organizations and/or IT companies (letters of recommendation or any other confirmation must be provided)
  • Knowledge of underwriting methodology in property, liability, and financial insurance
  • Knowledge of international insurance formulations and/or standards
  • Knowledge of the insurance legislation of Ukraine

We Offer: 

  • Work in a company listed in the TOP 25 best employers according to Forbes.ua 
  • Interesting projects and the opportunity to realize yourself in the largest European insurance group
  • Competitive salary paid according to Ukrainian legislation
  • Ability to work remotely from anywhere (at least 50% of working time)
  • Flexible work schedule (with a mandatory presence at the workplace for 8 hours)
  • Free health insurance, accident insurance
  • Health insurance for relatives on preferential terms
  • Care for your mental health — free psychological support service with personal psychologists and coaches
  • 24 calendar days of annual leave
  • Training and qualification enhancement during work
  • Excellent career and professional growth prospects

Our goal is to ensure a transparent and effective interview process, where candidates can demonstrate their potential and feel the team culture of UNIQA. The following stages are foreseen for this vacancy: an online interview with a recruiter, direct manager, and HR Director, as well as testing. 

At UNIQA, we support and promote diversity. We rely on different perspectives in our teams and leadership positions. Therefore, we are thrilled to receive applications that enrich our diversity. 

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

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