Дата: 4 години тому
Місто: Київ
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
Qualifications/ Technical Skills

  • Master's degree in political sciences, economical sciences, international business, engineering, social sciences or related field;
  • Multidisciplinary and multicultural team coordination support skills;
  • Excellent ability to build trusting relationships with national and international partners of different type (national partners, Donors, IFIs, etc.) with proven experience;
  • Knowledge of project management ;
  • Ability to mobilize, maintain, coordinate and lead networks of players (experts, institutional players, civil society, authorities, etc.);
  • Good knowledge of cooperation mechanisms, official development assistance, and international cooperation actors present in Ukraine;
  • Ability to conduct a dialogue with technical and financial partners;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills (drafting of technical reports, analysis documents, minutes, activity reports, definition of terms of reference, etc.);
  • Very good command of office automation tools, particularly Excel and Word;
  • Excellent command of English (certified) and Ukrainian (written and spoken), knowledge of French is an advantage.

Professional experience

  • At least two years of experience in programme / project management;
  • Solid and proved knowledge of the international technical assistance actors and experience in working with the national governmental / civil society actors;
  • Knowledge of the cycle of the preparation of the offers for the Donors / IFIs tenders;
  • At least two years' professional experience in Ukrainian/English translation or working experience in English;
  • At least one year's experience in institutional liaison in the context of international cooperation (or humanitarian) projects


  • Strong coordination and teamwork skills;
  • Strong sense of diplomacy, very good interpersonal skills;
  • Initiative, autonomy and responsiveness;
  • Good adaptability, flexibility;
  • Decision-making and management skills ;
  • Analytical and synthesis skills ;
  • Sense of organization, planning and anticipation.

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

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