Finance manager

ACCA Careers

Дата: 3 години тому
Місто: Київ
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
ACCA Careers
Forvis Mazars Ukraine

Forvis Mazars is a team of professionals and like-minded people whose relationships are built on honesty, responsibility and fairness. We are a company that values initiative and a desire for development.

Each of our employees is an inseparable part of the big heart of Forvis Mazars, which will be happy to welcome an experienced, independent and passionate Financial Manager who shares our values with its team.

What Tasks Will You Work On

support of the organization's financial health

preparation of management reporting following internal policies and regulations: P&L; Balance sheet; Cash Flow

analysis of costs, pricing, sales results and actual company performance compared to business plans

cash flow management

salary calculation for the team (120 people)

work on optimization and automation of processes, maintaining communication with suppliers regarding the systems used

development of trends and forecasts regarding the company's finances

managing the preparation of the company's budget

identifying accounting and financial improvements and offering timely and automated (where possible) solutions

supporting month, quarter and year-closing processes

close cooperation and reporting to the managing partner and heads of service lines

preparation of financial reports

fulfilment of the requirements of local and state authorities regarding the submission of reports and tax declarations

managing the work of the financial department (2 people), setting goals and objectives, developing a system for their achievement

What We Expect From You

2+ years of experience with management reports

5+ years of accounting experience is a must

excellent knowledge of accounting principles and procedures

good understanding of accounting software 1C, ZUP, Medok

Excel guru

experience with Power BI would be a plus

willingness and interest in automating and optimizing processes.

English language – not less than upper-intermediate level (will be in constant use orally and in writing)

analytical abilities and skills for solving problems or non-standard situations

good team interaction is an important part of work and development for you

high time management skills

excellent interpersonal and communication skills

How We Take Care Of Our Employees

formal employment and hybrid work format

24 days of paid vacation per year

health insurance from the first working day

psychologists' consultations and personal development coach services

access to LinkedIn Learning and internal educational platform with courses and trainings

support of the company in obtaining professional certification (ACCA, CPA, CAP, etc.)

International mobility

participation in various social and charitable projects

support of environmental initiatives, eco-friendly approach to the use of resources

a healthy atmosphere in the team and excellent team interaction, as well as team building

useful and interesting lectures by external and internal speakers

family-friendly office for your loved ones

a referral reward system for helping recruiters and bonuses for contributing to the company's business development

paid maternity leave for parents, with health insurance

flexible working regime for young parents

after the trial period: the possibility to compensate 50% of the cost of the gym, English language courses, medical insurance for children and consultations with external psychologists for your relatives

We are waiting for your resume!

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

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