Logistic Manager/Менеджер з логістичної діяльності

Medecins du Monde

Дата: 2 тижні тому
Місто: Миколаїв
Адреса: вулиця Маріупольська, 50
Зарплата: 83 866 ₴
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
Medecins du Monde



Three MdM (Doctors of the World) chapters are directly implementing activities in Ukraine: 

  • MdM Spain has the lead for global MdM response in the country and covers Kyiv and surroundings, Donbass, Kharkiv, Zaporidja
  • MdM Germany covers Dnipro and Vinitsia
  • MdM France covers the Southern part, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kherson

In South region, MdM-F supports and searchs for new perspectives of cooperation among other NGOs as well as among humanitarian, civil society, medical and local authorities. Main focus is the support in restoring access to medical services and Mental Health and Psychosocial Services (MHPSS) for populations affected by the conflict. The component of sexual and reproductive health, as well as Gender Based Violence is part of this project. MdM-F also collaborates with local organization, dedicated to population acknowledgement with LGBTQI+, sexual awareness topics. 


Support the logistics department on  

  • Managing the log team 

  • Local Purchase & Supply function  

  • Assets Management 

  • IT/communications 

  • Archiving 

  • Premises Security   

  • Reporting 

Carry out the daily follow-up of cases in terms of implementation and administrative management  


Hierarchical Link:      Logistic Coordinator 

Functional Link:      Admin team 

Under his supervision :   Supply Officer, civil engineer, drivers 

Other:              Coordination team, medical team, field team 


  • Management 

  • Organize weekly meetings with the log team 

  • Create an action plan with the log team 

  • Ensure training of the good pratice of logistic field (storage, purchase, security...) 

  • Reporting monthly the log activities 

  • Implement and guaranty the good logistic procedure of MDM France 

  • Communicate with the other department in term of need and support  

  • Be a referent for conflict resolution 

  • Local Purchase & Supply function  

  • To ensure the supply for the project and coordination; 

  • Extend support and when required play an active role in national procurement of items based on authorised requisitions in a transparent and timely manner; 

  • Responsible for the correct application and execution of MDM internal procurement procedures; 

  • Supervise the quality of the products and services provided, timeframes and the competitiveness of prices; 

  • Responsible for the administrative supervision of internal purchase requests; ensure that all documents relating to purchase requests are correctly filed and archived (soft and hard copy); 

  • To ensure the safe record keeping of logistics files for an easy retrieval for potential internal or external audits;  

  • Generates and prepares QR (Quotation Requests), MR (Mission Requests), EG (Evaluation Grids), PO (Purchase Orders), and Purchase/Service/Works contracts; 

  • Check that the purchase requests (MRs) have all necessary information for processing and submit the requests to the relevant coordinators for validation; 

  • Support the supplier to carry out local market assessments to maintain an updated record of Price List and vendor`s profiles. 

  • Support the Log team in the translation of receipts written from Ukrainian into English; 

  • Stock 

  • Regularly check inventory levels (physical counts); 

  • When an order is received: check the number of packages, check packaging and content, resolve the problem with the funisher and inform the Log Coordinator of any problems;  

  • After receipt, immediately update the stock cards, recording the reference number of the receipt document; 

  • Ensure that all items are well organised and correctly stored, well protected, fully identified and easily accessible. 

  • Make the the update of the inventory online and accessible for all department  

  • Guest Houses and Offices 

  • Ensure the maintenance and well functioning of the equipment and IT in the whole office & Guest Houses; 

  • Ensure the rent payments, utilities and facilities management in office and guesthouses; 

  • Assist the Coordolog in the redaction of the contract  

  • Follow up the repairs when needed: contact the repairers and buy material needed. 

  • Assets Management 

  • Ensure all MDM assets and equipment are duly tagged and listed in the Equipment Statement database at the time of procurement; 

  • Ensure all transfers of equipment are timely documented and acknowledged;  

  • Ensure periodic assets count is done on regular intervals and inform the line manager for any discrepancies; 

  • Maintain a separate inventory record for low value assets and items; 

  • Ensure the safe custody of high value assets (Sat phones, Thuraya, VHF etc.). 

  • Insure the follow up in the use of generator (office and Guest house) 

  • Create a maintenance plan for the equipment 

  • IT/communications 

  • Guarantee sufficient means of communication to meet communication needs in office and GHs; 

  • Ensure the proper operation, utilization, maintenance and management of communication equipment; 

  • Brief and train the program and support teams on the operations and rules of use of the means of communication; 

  • To ensure that all MDM staff/ departments take regular backup of their official data; 

  • To acts as focal person for all the IT troubleshooting issues. 

  • Archiving   

  • Create and follow the archiving process 

  • Make sure that every document is available at any time 

  • Premises Security   

  • Allocation of staff duties for daily closing of office and setting up of alarm system;  

  • Manage buildings and equipment’s maintenance schedules to comply with occupational safety standards, test building security systems and participate in the preparation and designing of emergency building evacuation plan and hibernation plan;  

  • Assist the logistics and security departments for the reinforcement of building’s security measures. 

  • Reporting 

  • Assist the Logistic coordinator in producing regular, timely and accurate narrative and logistical reports; 

  • Provide line-manager with a handover report at the end of contract; 

  • Other Duties 

  • Participate in internal work meetings and inform MDM team on log issues;  

  • Report any security related issues to the Log Coordinator 

  • Complete the reporting requested by Logistic Coordinator;(inventory, contract follow up...) 

  • Supporting operational organization of field trips and MDM programs; 

  • Maintaining full confidentiality for all work-related information; 

  • To perform any additional duties on instruction given by the Logistic coordinator. 

  • The list of tasks is not intended to be exhaustive and other tasks may be requested by the line supervisor. In addition, a certain degree of flexibility and adaptability is expected from the collaborator according to the potential evolution of the mission's constraints 


  • Position based in Mykolaiv 


  • Training & Experience 

  • At list 3 years of experience as log officer for an other NGO or at list 1 years experience as similar position in a national or international NGO or private sector 

  • Skills 

  • Management team 

  • Know and apply rules relating to the field of activity 

  • Specific technical skills according to the field of activity (water and sanitation, construction., purchasing, management..) 

  • Negotiate with suppliers. 

  • Adapt communication to the audience 

  • Work in a team 

  • Write professional reports, collect and analyse data, organise, classify and communicate information  

  • Ability to use Excel and the Microsoft Office Pack. 

  • Identify, analyse and summarise important information to be reported and information in the relevant area 

  • Identify and diagnose a breakdown of an installation or piece of equipment (lighting, heating, plumbing) and the level of intervention required, resolve problems 

  • Organise and prioritise activities  

  • Master the language of the coordination (English) 

  • Good knowledge of Ukrainian market 

  • Autonomous 

  • Communicate MdM values and positions 


  • Fluency in spoken/written Ukrainian/Russian 

  • Fluent English  

Soft Skills  

  • Create team spirit 

  • Autonomous 

  • Good interpersonal skills 

  • Sense of initiative and confidentiality 

  • Rigor and organizational skills 

  • Negotiation skills (diplomacy) 

  • Ability to analyse, conceptualize and plan 

  • Good writing and communication skills  

  • Stress management 

  • Motivated 


  • Contract Type: Fixed term contract 

  • Duration: 6 months (possibility for extension)  

  • Starting date: December 2024 

  • Job Schedule: Full time   

  • Location: Mykholaiv with possible travels 

  • Employment: cat.7 - 83866 

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Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

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Схожі вакансії


Coffee Go, Миколаїв,
8 000 ₴
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Шукаємо фею чистоти ! Сімейне кафе Avocadо, шукає у свою команду прибиральницю\посудомийницю. Графік роботи 3\3, з 8:00 - 20:00, оплата 500 грн \ день.  Дворазове харчування.  Молодий та дружній колектив. Гарне ставлення та доброзичливість - гарантована.  Знаходимось у центрі міста. Телефон для зв'язку з нами  073 116 42 52 Анжеліка
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