UX/UI Designer

Panda Team

Дата: 1 тиждень тому
Місто: Харків
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
Panda Team
You might be wondering who we are and what we do. Panda Team is a digital services company specializing in IT, SMM, and more. We put our all into every project and strive for improvement every day. We are currently in need of a UX/UI designer, and you might be the ideal candidate we're looking for!

What We Expect From Our Candidate

  • Experience working with editors like Figma and Adobe Illustrator;
  • Basic knowledge of web development (HTML/CSS);
  • Ability to find and analyze information;
  • Deep understanding of user psychology and behavior;
  • Skills in designing user interaction scenarios with interfaces;
  • Advanced skills in developing adaptive layouts;
  • In-depth understanding of design principles and the process of creating intuitive functionality;
  • Skills in drawing wireframes in editors after approval.

In Return, We Offer a Range Of Benefits

  • Competitive and fair remuneration.
  • Opportunities for growth and development in your professional field.
  • A friendly and cohesive team always ready to help.
  • Comfortable working conditions right from home.
  • Team-building activities, support, and prompt feedback.

Interested? We are waiting for your resume!

What is the role of a UX/UI designer at Panda Team?

Optimizing product functionality, creating intuitive interfaces, and concise visual design are the key tasks of a UX/UI designer at Panda Team. This specialist is responsible for the appearance and logic of web pages, making the product modern, competitive, and user-friendly.

The work of a UX/UI designer in our company involves the integration of UX and UI, as these areas are closely interconnected. UX/UI designer vacancies are in high demand and offer competitive salaries, where technology is rapidly developing. At Panda Team, we value not only aesthetics but also practicality, which makes our products highly competitive.

We offer the opportunity to work remotely, which is particularly relevant given the current trends in the labor market. Our UX/UI designer vacancies are available regardless of your location, wherever you live. We care about the safety and comfort of our employees, allowing them to work wherever they feel comfortable while providing them with interesting projects.

At Panda Team, you do not just find a job, but also an opportunity for growth in the IT field and favorable cooperation conditions. We are looking for professionals ready to grow with us. We are seeking UX/UI designers ready to join our team. If you meet our requirements, then confidently send your resume!

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

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