Product Development Expert

METRO Україна

Дата: 18 годин тому
Місто: Київ
Адреса: проспект Петра Григоренка, 43, Київ
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
METRO Україна

We invite those who:

  • based on own brand launch plan and category sourcing strategy, develop new products to be produced with focus on differentiation and Cogs,
  • own brand tasting assortment plan alignment with QA, Assortment and Buying team, and Suppliers,
  • own brand assortment development based on customer needs, assessment of all offers OB and Non-OB from existing and new suppliers on local and international markets,
  • negotiate with Suppliers and support them in Own Brand Tender process,
  • administration of product & packaging data in M Quality platform.

Our people DARE because they do CARE and feel care:

  • we have best international business practices in place, and we are ready to share them with you,
  • we empower every leader with trust believing in their entrepreneurship and customer focus,
  • the leadership development programs involve best speakers and experts from Ukrainian and European market.

Sure, at METRO Ukraine you’ll get:

  • official employment from the 1st working day,
  • “full flex” working mode,
  • when needed – co-working office on P. Hryhorenka ave in Kyiv,
  • paid sick leaves and vacations,
  • always timely paid compensation,
  • medical and life insurance,
  • psychological support hot-line,
  • discounts for employees and families in our stores,
  • crisis support program for families,
  • peer-to-peer recognition program “Give a 5” with great gifts,
  • best in class career acceleration and leadership development system,
  • plenty of online learning tools on digital literacy, management and HoReCa,
  • the DEI platform and wellbeing community “METRO mates”,
  • the highest health & safety standards: learning, certifications, Near Miss system.

At METRO Ukraine we act with accordance with the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities.

We do not discriminate against any candidate or employee on the basis of age, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, military or veteran status, etc.

Within the recruiting process we will only be interested in information about you, as well as your skills, knowledge and motivation related to the chosen role. You can tell us about them by sending a CV or filling out a questionnaire.

All information that we request, or may request additionally, is aimed at ensuring an objective selection process and/or ensuring strict compliance with the requirements of current legislation in the process of personnel hiring.

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

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