Competition for the position of Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator
East Europe Foundation (EEF)
- Location: Kyiv, Ukraine (online format is available).
- Application Deadline: February 28, 2023
- Job Type: Full-time
The Coordinator will promote a collaborative approach and will work in close collaboration with the EEF Management, Finance and Administrative Department, program and project teams, related partners and grantees, and field staff to support the successful implementation of the programs, and of EEF’s institutional development goals.
Duties And Responsibilities
Program and project management:
- Develops the M&E plans for EEF programs and projects and ensures their implementation.
- Supports program and project managers in tracking, reviewing, and reporting the overall progress of EEF program and projects to meet the performance objectives.
- Performs quality control of program and project documentation related to M&E developed by projects, and contributes to project reporting.
- Ensures the application of the Results-Based Management and development of a monitoring framework with measurable indicators for all EEF programs and projects.
- Participates and organizes monitoring activities, e.g. surveys, focus groups, and interviews.
- Develops\checks\approves SOWs for the M&E-related tender announcements (e.g. external evaluations, surveys, opinion polls).
- Prepares data and participates in external program-related evaluations.
- Tracks implementation of the EEF SMART Goals and participates in their discussion and revisiting.
- Implements and manages a monitoring system for the EEF portfolio and follow-up on programs and projects portfolio cycle.
- Monitors the implementation of EEF organizational development and program targets; prepares a report on the targets for EEF Board meetings.
- Ensures maintenance of the EEF Knowledge Management System (KMS), and promotes learning and knowledge sharing within EEF.
- Takes an active part in designing new approaches for programming/fundraising.
- Participates in the development of new program tools, approaches, and methodologies.
- Develops M&E-related documents (e.g. PMEPs, M&E plans) for project proposals.
- Develops innovative solutions and tools for improving M&E processes in EEF organizational development and project implementation.
- Provides inputs to the development of organizational standards for accountability.
- In cooperation with HR staff identifies the need for capacity building and skills development and develop an annual plan for EEF Development Academy.
- Organizes training for the EEF team and relevant partners on monitoring and controlling project work, and contributes to trainings on project management, program operational procedures, and results-based management.
- Provides coaching and on-the-job training of program staff on the project development cycle, M&E, and Results-Based Management.
- Master’s degree or equivalent in Business Administration, development studies or related field.
- Minimum five years of relevant experience in providing management advisory services, with hands-on experience in the design, monitoring and evaluation of development projects.
- Proven expertise in quantitative and qualitative methodologies, research, reporting, data quality assessments, data analysis and presentation and setting up and managing M&E systems.
- Advanced knowledge of M&E requirements of major donors (e.g. USAID, EU, GIZ, etc.).
- Strong technical skills, including the ability to process and analyze data using one or more statistical software packages, including at least one of the following: SPSS, Epi-Info, Stata, and MS Access.
- Strong communication skills, with excellent writing skills; proven ability to establish and maintain interpersonal and professional relationships with representatives from other key stakeholders such as NGOs, local and national governments, and the private sector.
- Experience and good knowledge of the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, PowerPoint, Power BI, Excel, etc.).
- Excellent verbal, facilitation written interpersonal and presentation skills in English and Ukrainian.
- Ability to conduct training, coach and mentor, and develop technical capacity for EEF staff and partners.
Please send a cover letter and resume to [email protected] with the M&E Coordinator in the subject line of the email. Only selected candidates will be contacted. No phone inquiries, please.
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