Competition for the position of a specialist in the implementation and support of the IT system of Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction (USESC)
East Europe Foundation (EEF)
East Europe Foundation within the framework of the USAID/UK Dev Project “Supporting Digital Transformation” announces a competition for the position of a specialist in the implementation and support of the IT system of Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction (USESC).
The purpose of the of the project is to expand, improve the existing, as well as introduce new functionalities and regulatory framework of the Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction, which contains all three components specified in the legislation: Register of Construction Activities, Electronic User Account, and Public Electronic Portal. The planned goals covered by this project are to improve the existing functionality and implement new components of the System. The development of Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction is crucial for the reformation of the construction sector aimed at full automation of construction processes. The introduction of this system minimizes the human factor in the most processes, including provision of the construction services to citizens and businesses, and it is expected to have a significant anti-corruption impact.
Duration of engagement: Until the end of 2024 with possible extension
Key Tasks And Responsibilities
Contact Information
Vitalii Velychko, procurement expert at East Europe Foundation,
[email protected]
The purpose of the of the project is to expand, improve the existing, as well as introduce new functionalities and regulatory framework of the Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction, which contains all three components specified in the legislation: Register of Construction Activities, Electronic User Account, and Public Electronic Portal. The planned goals covered by this project are to improve the existing functionality and implement new components of the System. The development of Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction is crucial for the reformation of the construction sector aimed at full automation of construction processes. The introduction of this system minimizes the human factor in the most processes, including provision of the construction services to citizens and businesses, and it is expected to have a significant anti-corruption impact.
Duration of engagement: Until the end of 2024 with possible extension
Key Tasks And Responsibilities
- provide support to users and administrators of Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction at the stage of its implementation;
- createlists of bugs, suggestions, and user requirements, and maintain relevant documentation;
- consultusers and system administrators via email, phone, and chatbot;
- prepareanswers to frequently asked questions of usersto upload them to the FAQ section on the portal of Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction;
- prepare training materials, instructions, and manuals for system users;
- conducttraining sessions and seminars on the use of the Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction (for system users);
- implementthe newly developed system functionality;
- set tasks to developers for improvements based on the results of implementation, monitor their implementation in accordance with regulations and terms of reference;
- help the support team solve complex user problems.
- higheror incomplete higher education in IT or engineering (or related fields);
- at leastone year of experience in customer support and software testing;
- experience with DBMS, in particular with PostgreSQL;
- understanding of the peculiarities of the software design and development process, its testing and implementation;
- experience in developing and presenting training materials for users;
- experience in conducting trainings and workshops for users of IT products;
- ability to structure elements of information systems and identify possible software solutions.
- strong organizational skills and attention to details;
- experience of communication and interaction with users and customers;
- communication skills and ability to work in a team;
- aptitude for training novice users;
- desire to learn new technologies and use new products;
- experience in implementing and using software products, especially in the construction industry, will bean advantage;
- knowledge of English will be an advantage;
- knowledge of the legislation on the provision of administrative services in the field of construction will be an advantage.
Contact Information
Vitalii Velychko, procurement expert at East Europe Foundation,
[email protected]
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