Call for Bid Offers to Provide Communication Support for eRecovery Project

East Europe Foundation (EEF)

Дата: 2 дні тому
Місто: Київ
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
East Europe Foundation (EEF)
East Europe Foundation, within the framework of the USAID/UK Aid Project Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services (TAPAS), calls for bid offers to provide communication support for eRecovery Project.

Scope Of Work And Responsibilities

  • Develop and implement the Project’s communication strategy and information campaigns, including the implementation of the State Register of Damaged and Destroyed Property and services in Diia Mobile Application and Web Portal;
  • Provide communication support to the Project team at all stages of the Project implementation; participate in the preparation of reporting documentation for donors;
  • Create content for the communication channels used by the TAPAS project to disseminate information about the Project’s results and fulfill the Project’s goals and objectives;
  • Maintain the Project’s social media presence; monitor recipient and partner accounts; prepare publications and materials; organize communication campaigns;
  • Coordinate communication activities with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the Ministry of Community, Territorial and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, and other stakeholders;
  • Ensure compliance with corporate communication requirements across all materials created within the Project, including those created / disseminated through the Project’s partners’ pages;
  • Participate in the preparation of reporting documents for donors, as well as in the collection and preparation of success stories in the format of text, audio, photo, or videos;
  • Perform other communications tasks.

Qualification Requirements

  • University degree in communication, journalism, international relations or a related field;
  • At least five (5) years of experience in communication, particularly in supporting the implementation of communications strategies;
  • Knowledge of social media;
  • Experience in preparing communication materials (articles, brochures, flyers, posters, press releases and other press materials, photo and video production, presentations, social media posts, and more);
  • Perfect oral and written communication skills in English and Ukrainian.

Desired Skills And Work Experience

  • Experience with government agencies and public organizations;
  • Knowledge/experience in the field of electronic services for citizens and business;
  • Experience with international technical assistance projects;
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail;
  • Knowledge of administrative services, particularly in the field of construction.

Employment: offline and online. Please note that preference is given to candidates who can work in Kyiv and attend offline meetings, etc.

To apply, send your application (CV with relevant work experience, skills, personal contact information and desired compensation) before 18:00 on August 09, 2023 to the email address: [email protected] with a note “Communication Support_eRecovery”.

Contact Information

Yuliia Zaplavna, Project Manager, East Europe Foundation

[email protected]

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

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