Vue Developer
Lviv,Ukraine Full-time
The ideal candidate will be responsible for developing, testing, and debugging responsive web and mobile applications for the company.
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Lviv,Ukraine Full-time
The ideal candidate will be responsible for developing, testing, and debugging responsive web and mobile applications for the company.
- Develop web applications with Vue.js;
- Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code;
- Implement front-end functionality according to requirements;
- Communicate with the customer and team members;
- Maintain our existing features by developing improvements and fixes;
- Provide realistic estimates for planned work;
- Staying current on new technologies and best practices.
- Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Computer Science;
- 1+ years experience in commercial development;
- Familiarity using Scrum/Agile development methodologies;
- Experience building object-oriented web applications in JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3;
- PostCSS, SASS, SCSS preprocessor, and postprocessors;
- CSS experience (Bootstrap 4 or any other framework);
- Excellent knowledge of JavaScript;
- Knowledge and experience with Vue.js, Vuex;
- Knowledge and experience with Nuxt.js;
- Experience designing and using REST API;
- Experience in using build systems (Gulp, Webpack);
- Skills in working with version control systems (Git);
- FTP / SSH;
- Ability to understand someone else's code.
- Competitive salary;
- Flexible working hours;
- Cozy office and nice young team;
- Vacation - 20 days;
- Challenging tasks with great opportunity to level up your skills;
- Good sense of humor;
- Pizza party.
Apply for position Vue Developer
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Як відгукнутися?
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