Customs Consultant
PwC Ukraine
PwC Ukraine is looking for a talented person to join our Customs practice as the customs specialist. You will have a unique opportunity to apply your expertise, knowledge and experience for the benefit of multinational business and leading Ukrainian companies.
In today’s global economy, many companies find themselves performing import and export operations in a variety of legal and regulatory environments around the world. Our Customs and International Trade team consists of recognized professionals with a background in comprehensive legal, customs and tax experience. Our team includes experts on different customs matters, including customs valuation, classification, procedures, appeals, litigation, etc. PwC provided advice to the Ukrainian government during the drafting of the modernized Customs Code and developed an assessment methodology for obtaining the AEO status for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and supported the first AEO Company in Ukraine.
Your responsibilities will include communication with importers and exporters, advising on customs procedures and regulations, preparing written expert opinions and consultations, participating in negotiations with the customs authorities and helping businesses to lobby for improvement of the foreign trade legislation.
It is expected that the candidate will have a knowledge of fundamental principles and main regulations of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Customs Organization (WCO). Will be familiar with the tariff classification, determination of the origin, customs valuation, customs procedures, import/export formalities, non-tariff controls and restrictions.
Practical experience is a plus but should not substitute the broad knowledge of the customs legislation.
In today’s global economy, many companies find themselves performing import and export operations in a variety of legal and regulatory environments around the world. Our Customs and International Trade team consists of recognized professionals with a background in comprehensive legal, customs and tax experience. Our team includes experts on different customs matters, including customs valuation, classification, procedures, appeals, litigation, etc. PwC provided advice to the Ukrainian government during the drafting of the modernized Customs Code and developed an assessment methodology for obtaining the AEO status for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and supported the first AEO Company in Ukraine.
Your responsibilities will include communication with importers and exporters, advising on customs procedures and regulations, preparing written expert opinions and consultations, participating in negotiations with the customs authorities and helping businesses to lobby for improvement of the foreign trade legislation.
It is expected that the candidate will have a knowledge of fundamental principles and main regulations of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Customs Organization (WCO). Will be familiar with the tariff classification, determination of the origin, customs valuation, customs procedures, import/export formalities, non-tariff controls and restrictions.
Practical experience is a plus but should not substitute the broad knowledge of the customs legislation.
- Degree in law, customs, tax, finance or economics.
- Knowledge of Customs or VAT and excise tax will be a plus.
- Experience in customs, law or tax regulation 1 year or more as an advantage.
- Intermediate+ level of English.
- Extensive computer skills (Excel, PowerPoint, Word).
- Ability to work in a team and learn quickly.
- Ambitious and career minded
- Competitive salary and cash bonuses for excellent performance.
- Exceptional opportunities for professional and personal development - numerous in-house and external trainings, free English classes.
- Career growth - ‘from intern to partner’ opportunity.
- Strong, enthusiastic and friendly team.
- Interesting and challenging tasks.
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Розмістити резюмеСхожі вакансії
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