Protection Officer (Ukrainian Nationals Only) - Kyiv
Center for Civilians in Conflict
About CIVIC: Center for Civilians in Conflict is an international nonprofit with offices around the world working to improve protection for civilians caught in conflict zones. Our mission is to work with armed actors and civilians in conflict to develop and implement solutions to prevent, mitigate, and respond civilian harm. We are advocates who believe that no civilian caught in conflict should be ignored, and advisors who provide practical solutions to preventing and responding to civilian harm. Learn more at
CIVIC is expanding its presence in Ukraine and is looking for highly-motivated professionals to join the Ukraine country program.
Protection Officer (Regional Protection Coordinator) Core Responsibilities
The vacancy does not have a closing date, and the applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.
CIVIC is expanding its presence in Ukraine and is looking for highly-motivated professionals to join the Ukraine country program.
Protection Officer (Regional Protection Coordinator) Core Responsibilities
- Community-Based Protection (70%)
- Project Implementation: Collaborate with the Senior Protection Officer and CIVIC Ukraine Program team to ensure successful regional project implementation within the Ukraine portfolio.
- Coordination with local and regional actors: Serve as CIVIC’s liaison to affected communities, relevant security and defense actors such the Armed Forces of Ukraine, National Police and National Guard, local government, and civil society representatives regarding the implementation of the projects via and community-based protection approach.
- Context Analysis: Regularly produce comprehensive context analyses on work with CPGs in communities. Protection Analysis: Regularly produce solid protection analysis, focusing on the most pressing protection risks of affected communities.
- Community Engagement: Develop and maintain relationships with selected local communities in Kyiv oblast to identify and address protection needs and concerns.
- Community Protection Groups (CPGs): Using CIVIC’s methodology, establishes and organizes the work of CPGs, ensuring their effective functioning to address protection concerns within communities.
- Capacity Building: Facilitate training sessions, capacity-building events, and workshops for community members on protection principles and practices.
- Protection Risk Assessment: Work with affected communities to identify and assess protection risks and needs, supporting local efforts to address them.
- Engagement with Military and Security Actors (10%)
- Coordination: Engage with military and security actors to increase awareness about the challenges faced by the civilian population as well as their ongoing self-protection efforts, and echo needs for their safety and security.
- Training and Sensitization: Contribute to training and sensitization initiatives for military and security stakeholders on the protection of civilians, including the better integration of civilian self-protection into planning and conduct of security forces..
- Facilitation: Act as a facilitator to improve communication between military/security actors and local communities.
- Communication and Advocacy (7%)
- Collaboration with Communication Officer: Work closely with the Communication Officer to prepare media materials and content for social media, disseminate information, and advocate for protection concerns.
- Develop and implement communication strategies to raise awareness about protection issues within the community.
- Reporting: Prepare reports and updates on protection activities and outcomes for internal and external stakeholders.
- Advocacy: Advocate for the protection rights and needs of vulnerable populations within the community.
- Monitoring and Evaluation (7%)
- Data Collection: Conduct monitoring and evaluation frameworks to track the progress and impact of protection initiatives within communities.
- Analysis: Analyze data to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement in protection efforts.
- Research (5%)
- Field Research: Contribute to the field research to gather information on emerging protection issues and trends.
- Best Practices: Identify and document best practices in protection work to inform program design and implementation.
- Policy Development: Contribute to the development of policies and guidelines based on research findings and field experiences.
- Continuous Learning: Engage in ongoing professional development opportunities to enhance skills and knowledge in protection work.
- Networking: Participate in relevant professional networks and forums to stay updated on best practices and emerging trends in protection.
- University degree in a social science, political science, international relations, law, or a related field.
- Prior experience in the fields of Protection and community engagement, dialogue facilitation and similar projects.
- Training in project management, human rights, humanitarianism, mediation would be an advantage.
- Minimum three years of relevant work experience, including work in conflict zones.
- Understanding of the conflict landscape in Ukraine and issues related to protection of civilians.
- Willingness and experience working with conflict-affected populations and security forces.
- Poise, flexibility, discretion, and mature judgment to handle and respond appropriately and professionally in a fast-paced, high-pressure atmosphere and as a team member.
- Well organized, self-motivated, and able to conceptualize and implement programs in stressful environments.
- Experience in representing organizations in sensitive environments, ability to maintain neutrality and impartiality in line with the organization’s mission.
- Ukrainian fluency mandatory.
- Good command of English.
The vacancy does not have a closing date, and the applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.
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12 900 ₴
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