Trainee Salesforce Engineer
Noltic | Salesforce Consulting Partner
Trainee Salesforce Engineer
Lviv, Ukraine
Full-time, long-term
Trainee Salesforce Engineer
The Referral Bonus For a Successful Recommendation Of Someone:
We are looking for a Trainee Salesforce Developer who is eager to start a career in Salesforce development and grow into a skilled professional. Our ideal candidate is passionate about technology, eager to learn, and has a strong foundation in programming. If you thrive in a collaborative environment and are excited about working with modern cloud solutions, join us!
What you will do
It’s On Us
Health and Self-Care
Benefits include medical insurance, paid vacation days annually, paid emergency sickness leave, and unlimited paid long-term sickness leave, law agency support, possibility of solving personal legal issues
Salesforce Career
Get reimbursed for professional Salesforce certification and the chance to become a certified mentor, with our career development program
Flexible Work
Our employee-friendly HR policy offers paid business trips and relocation support, as well as a flexible working schedule
Personalized Development
Enjoy a competitive salary and receive regular performance reviews with the added benefit of a personal development plan
Professional Growth
Expand your language skills with native speaker-led English and German classes and take on challenging projects with modern technologies. Professional courses, meetups, webinars and conferences
Sun-filled and love-filled office
Enjoy working with mature and awesome people in our modern, sun-filled loft office with a cozy kitchen, unlimited access to a play zone and snacks, and delicious coffee from Chehovych Roastery
About Noltic
Noltic provides Salesforce services to businesses across the globe and successfully launches Salesforce apps. With two offices in Ukraine, we've built solutions used by Metro Cash&Carry, Uber, Heineken and many other respected companies worldwide.
We believe smart and awesome people became a key to our constant growth since 2017. As our co-founder, Vlad Petrovych, noted “Our greatest aspiration (after making millions, of course) was to create a place of power where we could do what we loved while staying true to our principles”. Being proudly committed to our people's comfort, we invest in every single detail in our office spaces, working tools and the quality time we spend with anyone connected to Noltic’s team. We invest in our people, so our clients stay happy with what and how we deliver.
Trainee Salesforce Engineer
Lviv, Ukraine
Full-time, long-term
Trainee Salesforce Engineer
The Referral Bonus For a Successful Recommendation Of Someone:
We are looking for a Trainee Salesforce Developer who is eager to start a career in Salesforce development and grow into a skilled professional. Our ideal candidate is passionate about technology, eager to learn, and has a strong foundation in programming. If you thrive in a collaborative environment and are excited about working with modern cloud solutions, join us!
Trainee Salesforce Engineer
Lviv, Ukraine
Full-time, long-term
Trainee Salesforce Engineer
The Referral Bonus For a Successful Recommendation Of Someone:
We are looking for a Trainee Salesforce Developer who is eager to start a career in Salesforce development and grow into a skilled professional. Our ideal candidate is passionate about technology, eager to learn, and has a strong foundation in programming. If you thrive in a collaborative environment and are excited about working with modern cloud solutions, join us!
What you will do
- Learn and develop expertise in Salesforce technologies;
- Assist in designing and implementing product requirements;
- Work closely with engineers, product managers, and clients in an agile environment;
- Participate in customer communication and requirement analysis;
- Adapt to new technologies and tools as needed.
- Strong English skills (Upper-Intermediate or higher, Advanced is a plus);
- Understanding of OOP, HTTP, JavaScript, and related technologies;
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
- Excellent communication and teamwork skills;
- Any programming experience and code samples on GitHub would be a plus;
- Knowledge of Salesforce or CRM systems is a big advantage.
It’s On Us
Health and Self-Care
Benefits include medical insurance, paid vacation days annually, paid emergency sickness leave, and unlimited paid long-term sickness leave, law agency support, possibility of solving personal legal issues
Salesforce Career
Get reimbursed for professional Salesforce certification and the chance to become a certified mentor, with our career development program
Flexible Work
Our employee-friendly HR policy offers paid business trips and relocation support, as well as a flexible working schedule
Personalized Development
Enjoy a competitive salary and receive regular performance reviews with the added benefit of a personal development plan
Professional Growth
Expand your language skills with native speaker-led English and German classes and take on challenging projects with modern technologies. Professional courses, meetups, webinars and conferences
Sun-filled and love-filled office
Enjoy working with mature and awesome people in our modern, sun-filled loft office with a cozy kitchen, unlimited access to a play zone and snacks, and delicious coffee from Chehovych Roastery
About Noltic
Noltic provides Salesforce services to businesses across the globe and successfully launches Salesforce apps. With two offices in Ukraine, we've built solutions used by Metro Cash&Carry, Uber, Heineken and many other respected companies worldwide.
We believe smart and awesome people became a key to our constant growth since 2017. As our co-founder, Vlad Petrovych, noted “Our greatest aspiration (after making millions, of course) was to create a place of power where we could do what we loved while staying true to our principles”. Being proudly committed to our people's comfort, we invest in every single detail in our office spaces, working tools and the quality time we spend with anyone connected to Noltic’s team. We invest in our people, so our clients stay happy with what and how we deliver.
Trainee Salesforce Engineer
Lviv, Ukraine
Full-time, long-term
Trainee Salesforce Engineer
The Referral Bonus For a Successful Recommendation Of Someone:
We are looking for a Trainee Salesforce Developer who is eager to start a career in Salesforce development and grow into a skilled professional. Our ideal candidate is passionate about technology, eager to learn, and has a strong foundation in programming. If you thrive in a collaborative environment and are excited about working with modern cloud solutions, join us!
Як відгукнутися?
Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.
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