Head of Customer Relations Department


Дата: 3 години тому
Місто: Київ
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
As the Head of Customer Relations Department, you will lead the strategic direction, transformation, and operational efficiency of Kyivstar’s customer service channels. Managing a large-scale Contact Center operation, you will drive customer experience improvements through innovation, automation, and data-driven decision-making. Your leadership will ensure high levels of customer satisfaction, revenue generation through service channels, and an optimized cost structure.

Key Responsibilities

Strategic Leadership & Customer Experience Management

  • Develop and implement Customer Service strategies aligned with Kyivstar’s business objectives
  • Drive digital transformation across customer service operations, increasing digital interactions and optimizing customer touchpoints
  • Establish and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) for customer satisfaction, first-call resolution (FCR), net promoter score (NPS), and operational efficiency
  • Ensure an exceptional customer experience across all communication channels, including calls, live chat, social media, email, and self-service platforms
  • Analyze customer behavior and trends to refine service strategies continuously

Technology & Innovation in Customer Service

  • Lead the transition from traditional IVR to AI-based conversational interfaces
  • Enhance AI-driven automation solutions, including chatbots and virtual assistants, to optimize customer support processes
  • Lead the development of a Digital Conversational Platform (DCP) that unifies omnichannel customer interactions
  • Supervise the development and maintenance of the CC operational platforms: VoIP, Chats, WFM, CRM tools, predictive and progressive outbound dialers, and third-party integrations
  • Oversee the enhancement of agent interfaces through continuous development and refinement, ensuring an intuitive, efficient, and seamless user experience

Operational Excellence & Cost Optimization

  • Manage a hybrid team (on-site, remote) of 700+ employees, ensuring efficient workflows, resource allocation, and continuous training
  • Optimize workforce management through real-time planning, demand forecasting, and scheduling.
  • Implement outsourcing and distributed workplace strategies to maintain operational efficiency in dynamic environments
  • Improve cost-effectiveness by leveraging automation, process optimization, and intelligent routing of customer interactions

Revenue Generation & Sales Growth

  • Continue the development and enhancement of Customer Service as a revenue-generating unit by further integrating sales within service interactions and optimizing revenue opportunities
  • Implement advanced customer segmentation and scoring models to drive personalized offers and increase sales conversion rates
  • Lead retention programs and proactive customer engagement strategies to maximize customer lifetime value (CLV)

Leadership & Team Development

  • Foster a high-performance customer service culture, driving innovation and excellence in customer engagement
  • Develop and mentor leadership within the Customer Focused organization, ensuring strong succession planning and knowledge retention
  • Encourage collaboration between Customer Service, Marketing, Digital, IT, and other business units to enhance cross-functional efficiency



  • 5+ years of experience in customer service leadership, with a proven track record in digital transformation and service optimization
  • Experience managing large-scale contact centers (500+ agents), including outsourced operations and distributed workplace models
  • Strong expertise in AI-driven automation, chatbot development, and omnichannel customer experience management
  • Demonstrated ability to lead technology-driven service enhancements (CRM, WebRTC, WFM, predictive analytics, etc.)
  • Strategic mindset with experience in optimizing service-to-sales operations
  • Exceptional leadership, communication, and stakeholder management skills
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and English


  • Experience in telecommunications or technology-driven industries
  • Understanding of customer data analytics, Customer Value Management (CVM) and personalization strategies

Familiarity with AI-based conversational platforms, speech analytics, and advanced IVR solutions

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Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

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