Lead DevOps Engineer (Kafka)

EPAM Systems

Дата: 1 тиждень тому
Місто: Київ
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
EPAM Systems
Our client is a leading information services provider of financial, property, and consumer information, analytics, and business intelligence.


  • Install and provision new Kafka clusters and supporting components
  • Regularly monitor the health and performance of the Kafka platform and data pipelines
  • Identify and fix issues related to the platform, including data pipelines, network problems, cloud or containerization resources failures, or software bugs
  • Perform regular performance tuning of Kafka platform components
  • Monitor and optimize the cost and performance of Kafka clusters
  • Upgrade the Kafka platform to newer versions, including planning, testing, and implementation
  • Manage the security of the Kafka platform, including access control lists, encryption, and regular security reviews
  • Perform regular backups and disaster recovery procedures
  • Manage the capacity of the Kafka platform, including projecting future growth and scaling needs
  • Document procedures, configurations, and issue resolutions, and share knowledge with the team
  • Work with Confluent Support for issues that cannot be resolved in-house
  • Support existing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Configuration Management (CM) automations/pipelines for Kafka platform management and maintenance
  • Maintain and enhance onboarding automation scripts
  • Support Kafka self-service automations for Topic, RBAC, Schema, Connectors management
  • Support application teams in setting up and onboarding Kafka consumers, producers, connectors, and streams
  • Provide support for team requests in Slack and convert to CLOUD Tickets if complexity is high
  • Implement new features released by the vendor as part of their product roadmap, in coordination with the CoreLogic Platform owner team
  • Implement and enhance automation scripts and processes to reduce the number of tickets via self-service


  • Proven experience in the implementation and maintenance of Confluent Platform
  • Relevant certifications (such as Confluent Certified Developer or Administrator for Apache Kafka) would be an advantage
  • Strong knowledge of HELM
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to troubleshoot complex issues
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Experience in automating processes and maintaining automated scripts
  • Understanding of networking, and capability to coordinate with different teams including the Networking team, and CICD team, among others
  • Kafka Confluent Stack - Advanced
  • Terraform
  • HELM Kubernetes/Containers, Docker -
  • Cloud GCP (compute, networking, storage, IAM)
  • Cloud AWS
  • Jenkins
  • Linux administration
  • PagerDuty
  • Uptrends

We offer

  • Work on a flexible schedule remotely or from any of our comfortable offices or coworking spaces in Ukraine
  • Receive the necessary equipment to perform your work tasks
  • Change projects and technology stacks within EPAM
  • Gain experience in various business domains (Insurance, E-commerce, Healthcare, Finance, Travelling, Media, Artificial Intelligence, and more)
  • Consider relocation options in over 30 countries worldwide
  • Participate in volunteer, charity programs and communities (both technical and interest-based)
  • You can plan your individual career path together with your manager.
  • Receive regular feedback from colleagues
  • Improve your English for free with certified teachers (Speaking Clubs, client interview preparation courses, etc.)
  • Get the opportunity to undergo free training and certification in AWS, GCP, or Azure Clouds
  • Use the internal E-learn training program (18,200+ specialized training and mentoring programs)
  • Access corporate accounts on LinkedIn Learning, Get Abstract and other partner resources
  • Study at EPAM Solution Architecture School with the instructors who are practicing architects
  • Develop as a leader, join Delivery Management, Resource Management, Leadership Essentials school and more
  • Participate in internal communities (500+ meetups, technical discussions, brainstorming sessions, online events and conferences annually)
  • Vacation and sick leave (including a sick leave without a medical certificate)
  • A wide range of Voluntary Medical Insurance programs providing both medical treatment and various preventive options (including sports activities)
  • Medical insurance for family members at corporate rates
  • Company support during significant life events (childbirth or adoption, marriage, etc.)
  • Support for psychological comfort: discounts on services from mental health specialists or coaches, thematic training
  • E-kids program - a free programming language training program for EPAMers' children

EPAM strives to provide its global team of over 52,800+ professionals in more than 55 countries with opportunities for professional growth from day one of collaboration. Our colleagues are the source of EPAM's success, so we value cooperation, strive to always understand our clients' business and aim for the highest quality standards. No matter where you are, you will join a dedicated, diverse community that will help you realize your potential to the fullest.

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

Схожі вакансії

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Ми — відома та успішна рітейлінгова компанія, яка протягом понад 10 років радує своїх клієнтів сучасними колекціями одягу та взуття, а також якісними товарами для дому та аксесуарами. Зараз в нас 45 магазинів, які розташовані по всій Україні. Ми стали незмінними консультантами для сотень тисяч задоволених покупців, але ми не зупиняємося на досягнутому. В свою команду шукаємо Продавців консультатів ,...

Фармацевт (Виноградар)

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19 600 ₴ - 25 000 ₴
13 годин тому
Ми шукаємо баристу для роботи в нашій кав’ярні. Ми готові розглянути будь-який зручний для вас графік, включаючи можливість роботи на неповну зміну (кількість годин та ставку обговорюємо додатково). Ваша ставка буде складати 700 грн за робочий день плюс 10% від каси, а також чайові. Крім того, ми надаємо можливість отримувати бонуси за високу якість роботи. Наші вимоги:     •    Відмінні комунікативні...
Байрактар Бомбічна Кав'ярня