Regulatory Programmes Coordinator

Імперіал Тобакко /Imperial Brands

Дата: 1 тиждень тому
Місто: Київ
Адреса: Академика Заболотного, 35
Зарплата: 55 000 ₴ - 58 000 ₴
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
Імперіал Тобакко /Imperial Brands

The successful candidate of this newly created role in the department Product Lifecycle Initiatives Realisation within our Product Realization function / GSC will be responsible for supporting the management of big and complex cross functional product change initiatives that are originating from regulatory changes and affecting significant product portfolio of multiple markets. Occasional support for project management of manufacturing footprint optimisation projects and managing other special project will be needed upon request. The role holder assumes support in Programme Management across GSC and sales divisions leading to implementation of often more than 1500 product changes across more than 25 markets (i.e. following changes to the European Union Tobacco Product Directive EUTPD or the Customs Union Tobacco Product Regulation). Involvement in contingency, Business Continuity Plans and individual lead in other supportive initiatives that will be required from the business.

Principal responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring accurate and timely interpretation of given legislation in cooperation with Group CORA and/or local CORA teams
  • Support in organising regulatory driven programmes’ set up (Project Management Process requirements, Investment Application, organizing and leading meetings)
  • Programme planning including individual projects’ key deliverables and milestones
  • Building detailed programme implementation scenarios
  • Facilitation of required decision-making process
  • Ensuring programme’s relevant stakeholder management and change management
  • Managing projects including cooperation with internal and external partners, leading into realisation of programme goals according to the assigned budget
  • Maintaining the required programme documentation and reporting
  • The above can also be valid for manufacturing optimisation projects conducted and other special project upon request.

Candidate requirements:

  • Good knowledge of ITG product portfolio including technical dependencies
  • Good knowledge of Product Introduction Process and sub-processes
  • Experience in leading PIP driven projects and bigger cross-functional projects
  • Understanding of GSC related processes and relationships between departments
  • Great project management and internal stakeholder management skills
  • Higher Education Degree in engineering or business administration
  • Fluent written and spoken English


  • Certified project management qualifications
  • Experience in projects following Product Management Process
  • Experience in confidential projects 
  • Experience in Product Introduction Process relevant department

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