Information Systems Analyst


Дата: 5 днів тому
Місто: Київ
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
YASNO is a brand under which a group of companies operates in the field of electricity, gas, energy efficiency solutions and electric vehicles. We provide services to 3.5 million Ukrainian families and 80 thousand legal clients. Three companies of the YASNO brand have three times topped the rating of Ukrainian electricity suppliers, compiled by the DiXi Group analytical center within the framework of the USAID project.

Information Systems Analyst

You Will Help Us Solve The Following Tasks

  • Collection and analysis of business requirements for a software product
  • Analysis of existing business processes "as-is" and modeling "to be"

Development of technical tasks, functional specifications

  • Development of integration processes and procedures
  • Development of data migration processes and procedures
  • Consulting the development team during the requirements implementation process
  • Participation in integration/migration tests;
  • Interaction with the development contractor team.

You Are Our Candidate If You Have

  • 3 years of experience in collecting, systematizing and documenting client requirements;
  • Experience using BPMN 2.0 notations, UML modeling languages;
  • Experience with SQL (DML, DDL)

Ability to work with graphic editors of diagrams and flowcharts (MS Visio, Miro, BPMN.IO or others)


  • Ability to work with task tracking systems (Jira, AzureDevOps, YouTrack or others);
  • Ability to work with version control systems (SVN, Git or others);
  • Knowledge of basic requirements management techniques;
  • Experience in preparing specifications for APIs, web services, integration/migration scenarios;
  • Practical experience using Agile and/or Waterfall methodologies.

What Awaits You

  • A team of professionals;
  • Interesting projects;
  • Professional development;
  • Career growth opportunities;
  • Useful trainings and team-building activities;
  • Psychological support;
  • Gifts for decoration and on the occasion of significant events (holidays, birth of a child, etc.);
  • “Thank You” appreciation program with the opportunity to receive cool merch;
  • Modern office in UNIT.City with gym and massage chairs;
  • Free parking and shuttle from the nearest metro stations;
  • And of course: official employment, competitive pay (always timely and transparent compensation), quarterly bonus, and health insurance.

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

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