
Polish Humanitarian Action / ПОЛЬСЬКА ГУМАНІТАРНА АКЦІЯ

Дата: 2 дні тому
Місто: Миколаїв
Адреса: р-н 8 Причалу
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
Polish Humanitarian Action / ПОЛЬСЬКА ГУМАНІТАРНА АКЦІЯ

Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) is looking for Interpreter

General information:

Organization: Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH), Warsaw-based international non-governmental organization with mission in Ukraine

Position: Interpreter

Location: Mykolaiv

Job terms: Full time

Type of job: Employment contract

Duration:  3 months with possibility of extension

Starting date: ASAP

We strongly encourage qualified candidates to apply immediately as applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.    

About PAH:

Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) is an international non-governmental organization that provides humanitarian and development assistance worldwide. Since 1992, PAH has operated programs in 46 countries, supporting sustainable and stable development of regions suffering the consequences of armed conflicts, natural disasters and other humanitarian crises. 

Operating in Ukraine since August 2014, PAH is uniquely positioned with a wide network of partners and donors to deliver humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable conflict-affected people during this crisis. PAH provides assistance to internally displaced people and the elderly and single mothers, working in the sectors of Protection/Advocacy, WASH, Food Security/MCPA, Shelter/NFI and MHPSS. PAH Ukraine is rapidly expanding its operations in response to the armed conflict and seeks dynamic candidates comfortable with a fast-changing environment who are eager to scale operations quickly.

Visit for more information.

Key Duties and Responsibilities: 

  • Written translation

Translation of documents (English / Ukrainian): reports, contracts, emails and other kind of relevant documents

On request of manager works on preparation of reports, forms, and other documentation.

On request of manager take notes and provide minutes of discussions and reports summaries from meetings and conferences.

Editing translations made by other employees.

  • Verbal translation

Performing of simultaneous interpretation during business meetings from Russian, Ukrainian into English, and vice versa .

Perform other relevant duties as requested by manager

  • Others & Reporting

Provide a regular follow-up of the translation products to the managerParticipate in coordination meetings

Participate in field visits Maintain full confidentiality for all work-related information

Support the operational organization of field trips 

The successful candidate will be selected based on the qualification requirements described below: 
University degree in Philology or proven experience in translation / interpretation in private or international sector.

Fluent English

Fluent Ukrainian

Competency in Microsoft Office

Minimum 2 year of relevant professional experience

Experience working with NGOs can be an asset (not mandatory).

Representation experience in working and meeting with authorities, partners, and communities

How to apply

Please fill in the online application form and submit your resume (max 2 pages) and cover letter in English. In your cover letter please indicate your earliest possible start date.

Please note that only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Due to the urgency to fill the post, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. PAH reserves the right to close the job opening before the deadline.

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

Схожі вакансії

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