Panel Management Manager

YouGov Ukraine

Дата: 5 годин тому
Місто: Київ
Адреса: 34 Lesi Ukrainki blvd., off. 601 | 01133, Kyiv
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
YouGov Ukraine

YouGov is a global research data, and analytics group. Our mission is to offer unparalleled insight into what the world really thinks and does. With operations in the US, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, India and Asia Pacific, we have one of the world's largest research networks. 

Job Description

YouGov Shopper Intelligence is a leading market research company specializing in consumer behavior analysis and insights. We are currently looking for a motivated and detail-oriented  Panel Management Manager to lead our UKR My Scan Apps panel, from panel member engagement through panel study maintenance and client reporting. 

Reporting to our MD Ukraine, also based in Kyiv, the Panel Management Manager  plays an integral role in the successful running of our UKR My Scan Apps panel and contributes significantly to all local project, operational and consulting topics.  



  • Sets objectives for the whole team ensuring that staff members comply with company policies and procedures.

  • Is involved in the processes of recruitment, training, motivation, and training of UKR panel employees.

  • Performs performance evaluation of subordinate employees and provides feedback whenever necessary.

  • Presents training and development opportunities to employees within the team and beyond, according to the development plan.


  • Coordinates UKR My Scan Apps Panel activity, enforcing compliance with given and received deadlines.

  • Concerned with Panel households' maintenance: solutions and methods for maintenance, measures to increase the degree of satisfaction, stimulation of communication in both directions, qualitative knowledge of Panel households.

  • Manages and numerically maintains the sample for the study (4000 households, ± 10%).

  • Actively participates in the meetings regarding the establishment of the households selection criteria, demographic questionnaires modification and updating the used materials.

  • Requests the recruitment of household for the panel needs through Shopper Intelligence Ukraine resources according to the specified quotas.

  • Searches, proposes, and evaluates new methods to stimulate panel member recruitment.

  • Concerned with Panel households' maintenance: solutions and methods for maintenance, measures to increase the degree of satisfaction, stimulation of communication in both directions, qualitative knowledge of Panel households.

  • Initiating a process of changing the mentality towards the Panel household - treating it as a Panel customer (resolving grievances, implementing suggestions, etc.).

  • Ensures that the annual socio-demographic data are correctly updated and submitted on time - the final form of the field "references" at the beginning of each year. 

  • Prepares reports and informs bimonthly about the structure of the sample. 

  • Ensures that all communication channels with households are used to their maximum potential – Hot line, e-mail (info_ihs), Panel website, social media, etc.

  • Prepares the monthly reports and informs the households correctly and on time about the points accumulated, ensuring support in solving the problems. 


  • Establishes and achieves business and profit objectives (realization and achievement of the mission and objectives of the managed business unit) 

  • Calculate and estimate the budget for the rewards of the Panel households.

  • Transmits and requests information to/from Administrative, Accounting, Reception, etc.


  • Bachelor's degree.

  • 3+ years of experience in data project management, preferably within market research or quantitative research.

  • Comprehensive project management skills.

  • Team management and delegation skills.

  • Strong problem-solving skills. 

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. 

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite.

  • Fluent Ukrainian & English language skills.

This vacancy is based in our Kyiv office with a hybrid working arrangement

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Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

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