Associate (Tax / Transactional and International Taxation)


Дата: 19 годин тому
Місто: Київ
Адреса: вул. Князів Острозьких, 32/2
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість

We invite you to join the Arzinger team for the Associate position.


  • managing tax and legal projects;
  • interacting with foreign law firms and tax advisors;
  • advising clients on non-complex Ukrainian and international tax (customs) matters;
  • drafting and/or reviewing tax (customs) advice, and legal documents;
  • supporting clients during tax audits and objecting tax assessments;
  • facilitating setting up foreign entities and opening foreign bank accounts;
  • monitoring legislative changes, tax rulings and court practices;
  • assisting partners/counselors with PR and BD;
  • participating in other activities aimed at enhancing and developing the tax practice.


  • 3+ years of relevant experience;
  • master`s degree in Law; university degree in Finance, Economics, Accounting, Audit or Taxation will be an advantage;
  • genuine interest in taxation;
  • advance knowledge of Ukrainian and international tax;
  • solid knowledge of Ukrainian customs, civil, business, corporate, IP, contract, labor law;
  • basic knowledge of accounting principles, transfer pricing rules and M&A;
  • extensive experience in advising on tax /legal matters, and in producing high-quality deliverables that require minimal input from partners;
  • practical experience in supporting clients during tax audits and objecting tax assessments;
  • strong project management skills, and practical experience in managing numerous tax and/or legal projects;
  • good English speaking and writing skills (upper-intermediate level or higher);
  • experienced PC, Liga user;
  • strong analytical thinking, and knowledge of industry specifics;
  • relentless willingness to learn, and to share knowledge with team members;
  • ability to work with a great deal of autonomy (with minimal supervision from partners);
  • talent to take correct decisions; courage to accept mistakes and to take personal responsibility therefor;
  • ability to process extensive volumes of information and to meet deadlines.

We offer:

  • great opportunity to join ambitious team of the market leader in legal services; 
  • official employment and competitive salary; 
  • medical insurance (after the probationary period); 
  • participation in events and social projects of the company. 

We encourage the employment of veterans of the Ukrainian-Russian war. If your skills and experience resonate with this position, we will be happy to invite you for an interview. Also, as part of the veteran reintegration support program, we provide remote\flexible work schedule and medical insurance.   

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