Junior Java Developer

Levi9 Technology Services

Дата: 3 години тому
Місто: Київ
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
Levi9 Technology Services
Who we are!

At Levi9, we are passionate about what we do. We love our work and together in a team, we are smarter and stronger. We are looking for skilled team players who make change happen. Are you one of these players?

About The Project

Our client is a leading media company in Western Europe, delivering high-quality content across various platforms, including newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, websites, apps, and podcasts. Their brands reach millions of people daily, shaping the media landscape with independent and trusted journalism.

We are collaborating with them to develop a cutting-edge digital advertising solution that optimizes media campaigns and enhances user engagement. The product is already in production, and we are continuously evolving its features to meet the dynamic needs of the market.


  • Develop a cloud-native system in a fast-paced environment;
  • Make strategic and tactical technical decisions together with other Java, Frontend developers, and a DevOps engineer;
  • Actively communicate with the Product Owner, UX Designer, and customer teams;
  • Develop and maintain integrations with several third-party systems.


  • 1+ years of experience in a similar role;
  • Strong knowledge of Java 17+;
  • Proficiency with Spring framework: Core, MVC, Security, Data, Boot;
  • Understanding of microservices architecture;
  • Experience with persistence frameworks: Hibernate, JPA, JDBC;
  • Proficiency in working with relational databases (PostgreSQL, SQL);
  • Hands-on experience with unit testing (JUnit, Mockito);
  • Familiarity with Maven, Git, Docker;
  • Understanding of message brokers (RabbitMQ, SQS);
  • Strong communication skills and proficiency in English.

Will Be a Plus

  • Experience with AWS services;
  • Familiarity with Scrum methodology.

What we value in our team

  • Proactive mindset – we appreciate initiative and innovative thinking;
  • Self-organization – the ability to manage tasks effectively in a fast-paced environment;
  • Continuous self-improvement – passion for learning and professional growth;
  • Strong collaboration skills – teamwork is at the heart of our success.

9 Reasons To Join Us

  • Today we're working with the technology of tomorrow.
  • We don't wait for a change. We are the change.
  • We're experts in creating experts (Levi9 academy, Lead9 program for leaders).
  • No micromanagement. We are free birds with a clear understanding of high performance!
  • Learning in Levi9 never stops (unlimited Udemy for business, meetups, English and German courses, Professional training).
  • Here you can train your body and mind.
  • We've gathered the best locations - comfortable, cosy and pet-friendly offices in Kyiv (5 minutes from Olimpiyska metro station) and Lviv (overlooking the Stryiskyi Park) with regular offline internal events
  • We have a master's degree in work-life balance.
  • We are actively supporting Ukraine with constant donations and volunteering

Interview process

  • Intro call with a recruiter – get to know each other and discuss expectations.
  • Technical interview – showcase your skills.
  • Managerial interview – discuss the role, team dynamics, and project.

Simple step to get this job

Click the APPLY NOW button and let’s talk!

Levi9 is a nearshore technology service provider with around 1000 employees and 50+ customers. We specialize in custom made business IT – 95% of our work is on the revenue side of our customers. This is where time to market, high productivity, stable team velocity, and great quality through automation, agility, intensive interaction and understanding matter most.

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

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