Marketing, Communication and Business Development specialist to drive Technology and Cybersecurity practice
PwC Ukraine

PwC Ukraine, one of the world's leading brands and a top professional services firm, is seeking a full-time, enthusiastic Marketing, Communication and Business Development Specialist with a strong command of English to support the firm’s Technology and Cybersecurity practice.
We are looking for exceptional individuals who will contribute to a team dedicated to be a market leader in providing technology and cybersecurity services to clients. Our ideal candidate will have a natural service-oriented mindset, excel in interacting with people from diverse backgrounds, and handle stressful situations effectively. Outstanding organizational and problem-solving skills, along with a passion for learning new technologies and various tools/platforms, are essential for this role.
Key Responsibilities
This role reports to the Ukraine’s MCBD Leader and the Risk Assurance Services (RAS) Partner and is focused on advancing the products strategy, go-to-market plan, priority campaigns, and content initiatives to boost demand generation and brand building. Additionally, the role supports the RAS team in planning and executing business development activities.
We are looking for exceptional individuals who will contribute to a team dedicated to be a market leader in providing technology and cybersecurity services to clients. Our ideal candidate will have a natural service-oriented mindset, excel in interacting with people from diverse backgrounds, and handle stressful situations effectively. Outstanding organizational and problem-solving skills, along with a passion for learning new technologies and various tools/platforms, are essential for this role.
Key Responsibilities
This role reports to the Ukraine’s MCBD Leader and the Risk Assurance Services (RAS) Partner and is focused on advancing the products strategy, go-to-market plan, priority campaigns, and content initiatives to boost demand generation and brand building. Additionally, the role supports the RAS team in planning and executing business development activities.
- Support RAS Partner in developing strategic opportunities and demand generation to support growth ambition.
- Contribute to raising awareness and focus of building PwC Ukraine’s Technology and Cybersecurity capabilities in the market through thought leadership, surveys, articles, publications, events / webcasts.
- Writing, editing, sharpening messages, managing the content for client communications and ensuring that it is consistent with the firm-wide guidelines.
- Acting as the local champion for the firm’s corporate СRM (Salesforce); following the CRM platform and overseeing the process by which we map relationships with clients.
- Assist with regular status reports on progress towards agreed deliverables and outcomes.
- Developing and executing action plan on enhancing client experience.
- Building up relationships with business community & business organisations/associations, Trade/Commerce Chambers, facilitating communications between firm’s client facing staff and key stakeholders within the respective organisations/associations, Chambers.
- At least 5 years’ experience (Communications / Marketing / Business Development or Sales) with B2B international consulting firms or within an IT industry is a great plus.
- Solid internal or external client focus with attention to detail, result oriented.
- Strong project management and organizational skills.
- Strong communicational & influencing skills, proactive approach and a commitment to excellence.
- Team player with ability to work independently and collaborate with other teams or functions to deliver outcomes.
- Maturity and ability to deal with the Leadership team and senior staff.
- Upper-intermediate or higher level of English language, Native in Ukrainian.
Як відгукнутися?
Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.
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