Senior Associate - Accounting Advisory Services

PwC Ukraine

Дата: 3 години тому
Місто: Київ
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
PwC Ukraine
About PwC

PwC is a powerful network of over 327 000 experts across 155 countries, all committed to deliver quality in assurance, consulting, tax and legal services. We work with organizations from all over the world to build trust in society and solve important problems.

PwC has been present on the Ukrainian market since 1993. The headquarters of the firm is in Kyiv with full service offices in Lviv and Dnipro.

Working with us means working with inspiring, goal-oriented and passionate team players, who make an impact. PwC offers access to outstanding expertise, dynamic work environment and professional development.

We offer:

  • Competitive salary and cash bonuses for excellent performance.
  • Exceptional opportunities for professional and personal development - numerous in-house and external trainings, free English classes.
  • Career growth - ‘from intern to partner’ opportunity.
  • Strong, enthusiastic and friendly team.
  • Interesting and challenging tasks.
  • Health insurance, corporate psychologist and clubs of interests (football, volleyball, movies, etc.).

Our Accounting Advisory Group:

PwC’s Accounting Advisory in Ukraine is group of highly-experienced professionals who provide clients with independent and objective advice on accounting of complex transactions, accounting standards change and accounting problem solving.

As a Senior Associate, you will work as part of a team of problem solvers in the accounting and financial reporting area, helping our clients deal with their issues and succeed in accounting treatment of complex transactions. The role requires the individual to work effectively and communicate well with the companies middle management, to provide high quality work for our clients. Within CMAAS, you will constantly have an opportunities to learn more, allowing you to provide clients with the highest quality services.

Key responsibilities:

  • Preparation of the financial statements for the clients;
  • Provision of advice on transactions accounting, accounting change and accounting problem solving based on IFRS requirements.
  • Work as a team member to support clients through implementation of accounting policy changes, transition to IFRS and new accounting standards, FS preparation based on IFRS, preparation of iXBRL file based on Taxonomy IFRS UA, etc.
  • Accounting advice with the cross-line of services cooperation.
  • Assist in the project management component of client relationships.


  • ACCA qualification in progress (at least F7 or P2) or DipIFR.
  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in an auditor role.
  • Knowledge of IFRS.
  • English (at least at an intermediate level).
  • Strong Excel skills.
  • Excellent time management skills.
  • Proactive approach to work.

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

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