Junior Packaging and Sustainability SME

Nestle Ukraine LLC / Нестле Україна, ТОВ

Дата: 18 годин тому
Місто: Львів
Адреса: вул. Угорська, 14
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
Nestle Ukraine LLC / Нестле Україна, ТОВ

Lviv, UA  

Full-time on site or remote 

Position Summary

Are you passionate about Supply Chain & Procurement? Integrated Business Services Lviv team is looking for those who are ready to take on the challenge and become a part of our loyal & dynamic team and furthermore, help the company in achieving sustainable growth and ensure responsibly sourced supply and value creation. This is an opportunity to become a real strategic partner – delivering sustainable value and working with the business, for the business.

In this position, you will be able to apply your skills and knowledge in the international environment,  cooperate with Nestle colleagues across the globe and grow your career within the biggest company in the FMCG industry. We’re proud to be an active equal opportunity employer to enhance diversity & inclusion in our company. 

You are:

  • An experienced professional in analytics, project management role ideally related to procurement or packing data management
  • Ability to work in an international , complex, ambiguous environment
  • Skilled in MS Office, particularly in MS Excel, preferable SAP
  • A professional with customer-focus mindset 
  • Confident in English on at least Upper-Intermediate level    

With you we will:

  • Manage and lead sustainability projects together with suppliers and procurement managers
  • Support the Global/Regional Procurement Managers in organizing and defining the negotiation strategy with suppliers.
  • Develop and execute requests for information on environmental and sustainable sourcing topics
  • Ensure project quality and customer satisfaction on high level
  • Follow and share best practices within NBS Delivery Teams
  • Facilitate continuous improvement to drive value to the business: driving processes standardization and simplification, support automation 
  • Handle escalated issues and complaints from the Market  and provide analysis/resolution 

What`s in it for you:

  • Self-improvement and professional growth, achievement your own and global Nestle goals; 
  • Experience in strategic talent development 
  • Master coaching & feedback skills;  
  • Encounter unique challenges and gain valuable experience; 
  • Boosting your network & Collaboration with MDM Stakeholders  

How we will proceed:

You send us your CV - We contact relevant applicants - Interview with a Recruiter - Interview with Hiring Team - Job Offer communication to the Finalist - First working day  

Sounds exciting? Submit your CV today!

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

Схожі вакансії

Кур'єр у піцерію (Франківський, Сихівський р-ни)

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