IT Talent Sourcer

Grid Dynamics

Дата: 9 годин тому
Місто: Львів
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
Grid Dynamics
Recruitment team at Grid Dynamics is looking for a IT Talent Sourcer in Lviv!

We are looking for a person with sourcing experience on European market and proven track record of finding and engaging into the recruitment process such specialists as Java/Python engineers, Big Data, QA Engineers, as well as Data Scientists and ML engineers and DevOps.

You will be working closely with international environment so the Upper-Intermediate level of English/Polish is a must have requirement for us.

We are looking for a proactive and result-oriented person, who can work under pressure and deliver the results within limited time and budget.

If you are looking for an opportunity to work in a corporate environment with lots of technical positions to staff, if you are a team-player and interested in growing your expertise on the European IT market, let’s talk!


  • Sourcing candidates through different channels - database, Linkedin, Amazing Hiring, GitHub, external events, community events, etc;
  • Generate pipelines of candidates according to requirements and budget;
  • Communication with candidates via Linkedin, email;
  • Scheduling HR calls for recruiters;
  • Work with internal ATS
  • Help with job posting on our career web site and other job boards;
  • Support recruitment team with market research and market capacity analysis;
  • Assisting recruiters at all stages of the hiring process (like preparing resumes, helping with scheduling technical interviews);


  • Sourcing experience in IT company;
  • Strong knowledge of IT market: technologies, profiles and types of specialists;
  • Knowledge of local market specifics and trends;
  • Experinece in sourcing on other European markets;
  • Extensive experience in using different sourcing channels;
  • Proven self-education skills: courses, workshops, webinars, certifications related to professional activities.
  • Multitasking and flexibility: be able to change sourcing priorities and strategies according to the business needs.
  • Great communication skills and team work.

We offer

  • Opportunity to work on bleeding-edge projects
  • Work with a highly motivated and dedicated team
  • Competitive salary
  • Flexible schedule
  • Benefits package - medical insurance, sports
  • Corporate social events
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Well-equipped office

About Us

Grid Dynamics (NASDAQ: GDYN) is a leading provider of technology consulting, platform and product engineering, AI, and advanced analytics services. Fusing technical vision with business acumen, we solve the most pressing technical challenges and enable positive business outcomes for enterprise companies undergoing business transformation. A key differentiator for Grid Dynamics is our 8 years of experience and leadership in enterprise AI, supported by profound expertise and ongoing investment in data, analytics, cloud & DevOps, application modernization and customer experience. Founded in 2006, Grid Dynamics is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices across the Americas, Europe, and India.

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

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