Working student: Embedded Software Validation (f/m/div)

Infineon Technologies

Дата: 1 день тому
Місто: Львів
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
Infineon Technologies
Are you looking for the right first opportunity to start your career? If you are passionate about state-of-the-art technology and want to join an international and dynamic environment, we might have what you are looking for! Join us as an Embedded Software Validation Working student in Lviv!

Job Description

As an Embedded Software Validation Working student, you will support your team by developing automated tests for the embedded software libraries running on the Infineon MCUs.

In your new role, you will:

  • Develop FW Test projects using C language for our novel MCUs
  • Help automate FW tests using Python
  • Participate in the setting up of Git CI/CD
  • Work alongside a team of expert engineers and receive guidance and support from a mentor who will help you grow and develop in your role

Your Profile

You are a team player with great communication and organizational skills. You have a goal-oriented mindset and good problem-solving skills. You are eager to learn and grow, and excited about the opportunity to be part of a company that is working on the edge of technology, driving innovation and shaping the future of our industry.

We believe you will be a great fit for this role if you:

  • Are in your 3rd to 5th year of a degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Programming, Radio Electronics, or a similar field
  • Have experience with C language
  • Have some experience with Microcontrollers
  • Have Git experience as a plus
  • Have Python experience as a plus
  • Have a good command of English

Please send us your CV in English so we can get to know you better.


Sofia Carvalho, LinkedIn

#WeAreIn for driving decarbonization and digitalization.

As a global leader in semiconductor solutions in power systems and IoT, Infineon enables game-changing solutions for green and efficient energy, clean and safe mobility, as well as smart and secure IoT. Together, we drive innovation and customer success, while caring for our people and empowering them to reach ambitious goals. Be a part of making life easier, safer and greener.

Are you in?

– Connected Secure Systems (CSS) is at the heart of the IoT –

The CSS division provides end-to-end systems for a connected, secured world – building on trusted, game-changing microcontrollers as well as wireless and security solutions. CSS delivers microcontrollers plus Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and combined connectivity solutions (known as connectivity combos) along with hardware-based security technologies to power the broadest application spectrum spanning consumer electronics, IoT devices, cloud security, IT equipment, home appliances, connected cars, credit and debit cards, electronic passports, ID cards, and more. The division is at the forefront of computing, wireless connectivity, and trusted technologies that are helping to securely connect the networked systems of today and tomorrow.

We are on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone.

This means we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone for who they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environment characterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and are committed to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities. We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant´s experience and skills.

We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you do not entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting.

Please let your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention to something in order to enable your participation in the interview process.

Click here for more information about Diversity & Inclusion at Infineon.

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Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

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