Category Moderator (with German)


Дата: 1 день тому
Місто: Львів
Адреса: Героїв УПА, 73
Зарплата: 20 000 ₴ - 36 500 ₴
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість

About the Role

As a Category Moderator, you will play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of JustAnswer’s platform by managing customer questions, escalating issues, and supporting both Experts and Customers. Your primary responsibility will be to ensure that questions reach the right Experts while maintaining quality and efficiency in the process.

What You’ll Do

  • Manage open question inventory, ensuring duplicate questions are closed, and questions are correctly categorized and updated as needed.
  • Escalate Customer and Expert concerns, as well as policy violations, to the appropriate support services.
  • Collaborate with Customer Support to reach out to Experts on behalf of customers requiring assistance.
  • Work closely with Expert Support to help Experts with technical issues.
  • Handle sensitive personal data with integrity and confidentiality.
  • Assist in special projects focused on improving Expert quality and communication.
  • Support Expert acquisition, onboarding, and training efforts as needed.

What We’re Looking For

  • 1+ years of experience in operations assistance, customer service, administrative support, or a similar role in an online environment.
  • Native or C1-C2 proficiency in German (written and spoken).
  • B2-C1 level English proficiency.
  • Excellent attention to detail and ability to work efficiently and accurately.
  • Strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to quickly adapt to changing processes.
  • Dependable, flexible, and team-oriented mindset.
  • Experience with customer support ticketing systems (e.g., Kayako, Zendesk) is a plus.
  • Experience in highly regulated industries (e.g., law, healthcare) is a plus.

Why You’ll Love Working With Us

Make a Real Impact: Be part of a dynamic team that values inclusivity, creativity, and continuous improvement.

Empower Communities: Play a key role in fostering meaningful interactions and creating resources that genuinely help users.

Collaborative Environment: Partner with cross-functional teams who value your expertise and insights.

Grow Your Skills: Enhance your customer service expertise, develop effective communication techniques, and learn to resolve complex issues while contributing to a high-quality customer experience.

Remote Flexibility and Work-Life Balance: Enjoy a great work-life balance while working remotely. Collaborate with a global team, and thrive in a culture that prioritizes well-being, personal development, and work-life balance.

Perks and Benefits

  • Time off throughout the year (paid and unpaid)
  • Professional development support and encouragement
  • Resources to help improve your overall well-being
  • Free membership to dive into JA product

About Us

We are a San Francisco based company founded in 2003. Our mission is simple: we help people. We have democratized professional services by connecting customers with verified and vetted Experts who provide reliable answers at any hour and on any budget. JustAnswer members enjoy round-the-clock access to 12,000+ doctors, lawyers, tech support, mechanics, vets, home repair pros, and more. In the last 20 years, we have helped 22 million customers in 196 countries by answering more than 25 million questions.

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

Схожі вакансії


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