React Frontend Developer

We are looking for a React Frontend Developer to join our team and contribute to the development of modern financial technology solutions. Our mission is to make money movement seamless, secure, and efficient. In this role, you will work with a cutting-edge tech stack to build intuitive, high-performance user interfaces that drive real impact.
We're looking for a React Frontend Developer who has:
As a React Frontend Developer, you will:
We want you to thrive and feel supported
At Kindgeek, we encourage everyone to apply – regardless of nationality, race, gender, marital status, disability, sexual identity, or religion. We are growing into an inclusive, equal-opportunity company where only professionalism, competence, and ideas matter. We are committed to supporting mobilised employees and veterans joining Kindgeek and facilitating their career development. We aim to bring equal opportunities to all team members and candidates – especially those underrepresented in technological companies.
We're looking for a React Frontend Developer who has:
- Strong experience in React and TypeScript, with a focus on building scalable and maintainable applications;
- Understanding of FinTech concepts, particularly in payments or banking - MUST;
- Proficiency in state management libraries (Redux, Zustand, or similar);
- Hands-on experience with component-driven architecture and modern UI frameworks;
- Familiarity with RESTful APIs, WebSockets, and integrating with backend services;
- Knowledge of performance optimization techniques for frontend applications;
- Experience with automated testing (unit and integration tests) to ensure UI stability;
- A strong eye for UI/UX best practices and accessibility;
- At least Strong Upper-Intermediate English level.
As a React Frontend Developer, you will:
- Develop and optimize user interfaces for financial applications, ensuring a smooth and engaging user experience.
- Write high-quality, maintainable, and well-documented code.
- Collaborate with backend developers to ensure seamless integration with APIs.
- Work on performance optimization and ensure cross-browser compatibility.
- Implement and maintain automated testing to guarantee application stability.
- Participate in code reviews and contribute to improving development processes.
- Stay up to date with the latest frontend technologies and best practices.
We want you to thrive and feel supported
- Professional growth: at Kindgeek, we want our employees to grow and achieve ambitious professional goals. We support professional development with training and certification refunds and provide regular feedback and technical reviews.
- Benefits package: Kindgeek offers all team members competitive compensation and a benefits package that includes 18 working days of fully paid vacation, 10 compensated by 50% sick leaves without a note from the doctor, and an opportunity to take study leaves. Depending on how long you stay in the company, you can receive different health insurance packages from our partners.
- Personal growth: as a part of our team, you will have access to corporate English courses with a 50% reimbursement, take advantage of our offline library and access a large selection of corporate training and classes. Also, every employee can request any internal or external training or certification if it applies to his or her work responsibilities.
- Geek community: at Kindgeek, we value community – even in the full-scale invasion times, we take every opportunity to stick together. Our geeks organise various online and offline clubs – from stretching and skiing to English. We volunteer together and support each other.
- Flexibility: Kindgeek offers a hybrid working model. Team members can work remotely or from the office or Kindgeek London Hub – an innovative cafe-style co-working in Lviv (it's pet-friendly!).
At Kindgeek, we encourage everyone to apply – regardless of nationality, race, gender, marital status, disability, sexual identity, or religion. We are growing into an inclusive, equal-opportunity company where only professionalism, competence, and ideas matter. We are committed to supporting mobilised employees and veterans joining Kindgeek and facilitating their career development. We aim to bring equal opportunities to all team members and candidates – especially those underrepresented in technological companies.
Як відгукнутися?
Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.
Розмістити резюмеСхожі вакансії
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