Training and Learning Specialist with knowledge of Portuguese

Nestle Ukraine LLC / Нестле Україна, ТОВ

Дата: 17 годин тому
Місто: Львів
Адреса: вул. Угорська, 14
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
Nestle Ukraine LLC / Нестле Україна, ТОВ

Lviv, UA  

Full-time on site or remote  

Are you passionate about Coordination and Administration? Integrated Business Services Lviv team is looking for those who are ready to take on the challenge and become a part of our loyal & dynamic team. In this position, you will be able to apply your skills and knowledge in the international environment, cooperate with Nestle colleagues across the globe and grow your career within the biggest company in the FMCG industry. We’re proud to be an active equal opportunity employer to enhance diversity & inclusion in our company.  

You are:  

  • A professional with communication, coordination and organizational skills; a fast-learner, attentive to details; 

  •  A specialist with university degree (in the field of Business Administration or equivalent);  

  • Able to work under time pressure in a changing environment; 

  • Experient user of MS Office (MS Excel, MS Power Point); 

  • Confident in English and Portuguese on at least Intermediate level (both written and verbal);   

With you we will:  

  • Coordinate technical issues and align resolutions with impacted teams.  

  • Acts as the subject-matter expert for in-scope processes and market-specific knowledge, performing assigned tasks as per standard routines. (Eg.: Data uploads in iLearn, SucessFactor, Report analyses, etc);                 

  • Coordinate system testing ,analysis of results,deployment of new functionalities and services;  

  • Responsible for providing feedback on operational enquiries reffered to you by the Contact Center;  

  • Constantly Review KPIs and ways of working to identify opportunities for continous improvement using NCE methodology;                 

  • Ensure proper & timely documentation of process updates on Standard Operating Procedure;  

  • Conduct functional and refresher training for new joiners & transferee employees;                        

  • Provide feedback on operational performance to Training and learning Supervisor in support to skills matrix assessment and creation of functional training plan;         

  • Execute validation & reconciliation, prepare control reports for certain critical data/processes.  

What’s in it for you:   

  • Remuneration package: annual salary review & bonus, 28 days of paid vacation, paid sick leaves, medical insurance, lunch allowance, IT Club discount program;  

  • Official employment;  

  • Personal & Professional development opportunities  

  • International environment and diverse team;  

  • Possibility of distance work  

 How we will proceed:  

You send us your CV > We contact relevant applicants > Interview with a Recruiter > Technical task submission > Interview with Hiring Team > Job Offer communication to the Finalist > First working day  

Sounds exciting? Submit your CV today! 

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

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