ERP Technical Consultant

About Pwrteams
Join our fast-growing and diverse team at Pwrteams, where we provide premium IT and engineering nearshore solutions to our global customers. Since 2007, we pursue to become the market leader in assembling cross-border IT and engineering teams for customers. Our operations are strategically positioned within Eastern Europe’s dynamic tech ecosystems, from where we cater the global business landscape.
We’re at the forefront of travel, media and fintech innovation, healthcare efficiency enhancements, and others. Our goal? To connect interesting customer projects and skilled talent alike. Become a part of our team and take the next step on your personal career journey.
About The Project
You will have the opportunity and challenge to be a part of the extension team of a prominent Belgian customer. Their company has an almost 100-year history and an impressive track record of innovation (over 2k patents) in piping solutions and the services industry. Being a part of the team will require deep integration into the customer’s corporate culture and structure.
About Pwrteams
Join our fast-growing and diverse team at Pwrteams, where we provide premium IT and engineering nearshore solutions to our global customers. Since 2007, we pursue to become the market leader in assembling cross-border IT and engineering teams for customers. Our operations are strategically positioned within Eastern Europe’s dynamic tech ecosystems, from where we cater the global business landscape.
We’re at the forefront of travel, media and fintech innovation, healthcare efficiency enhancements, and others. Our goal? To connect interesting customer projects and skilled talent alike. Become a part of our team and take the next step on your personal career journey.
About The Project
You will have the opportunity and challenge to be a part of the extension team of a prominent Belgian customer. Their company has an almost 100-year history and an impressive track record of innovation (over 2k patents) in piping solutions and the services industry. Being a part of the team will require deep integration into the customer’s corporate culture and structure.
- Working within the ERP Support team to ensure the availability of the company’s solutions
- Analyse, troubleshoot and resolve issues reported by customers
- Make sure that customer experience with the company’s products remains excellent
- Optimise processes, automate routine tasks and put in place preventive maintenance tools to improve customer experience
- You are encouraged to challenge the process, so if you have an idea about how something can be better, you will have the opportunity to speak up and be heard
- 2+ years of programming/scripting experience
- Experience with JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS
- Strong experience with Xpath, XML, XSLT and other data technologies
- Basic knowledge of data mapping, Business processes
- Experience of applications integration with ERP systems
- Experience with Pyton and SQL a plus
- Good level of written and spoken English
- You are a quick learner
- You have a problem-solving attitude
- Customer orientation is one of your key assets
- You are a communicative person who takes on responsibility when necessary
- Family-like environment and personal attention to each specialist
- Direct cooperation with European and USA clients and their innovative products
- Competitive salary and regular reviews
- The work-life balance you deserve: 24 working days of paid vacations
- Educational reimbursement, funded language classes, certifications
- "Benefit Cafe with various categories like sport, leisure, books, fuel, etc.
- Health care: paid sick leaves, on-demand medical insurance, Covid tests, vaccinations
- Cozy workplace, commute compensations, and WFH opportunities
- Exciting events and lovely gifts for your family
Як відгукнутися?
Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.
Розмістити резюмеСхожі вакансії
Крейзі Манкі,
3 години тому
Ти знаєш, що таке крейзі? Шукаємо в команду заряджених однодумців на посаду касира — офіціанта у новий стріт фуд проєкт Крейзі Манкі. Наша мережа SHUM GROUP налічує 8 закладів у Львові: Промінь, Рамен Мо, Грузинський, CODE, Зашкварка, Зорецвіт, Крейзі Манкі. А попереду ще багато нових проєктів. Крейзі Манкі — це восьмий заклад компанії SHUM GROUP , де ми втілили усі...

М'ясний дворик, кафе-бар,
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Вакансія: Офіціант/ка Ми шукаємо веселу, енергійну та комунікабельну людину на посаду офіціанта/ки у нашому кафе-барі «М'ясний дворик». Готові взяти без досвіду та освіти, головне — бажання працювати і навчатися. Обов’язки: Обслуговування гостей, прийом замовлень та їх подача; Підтримання чистоти і порядку в залі; Дотримання стандартів обслуговування та рекомендація гостям нашого закладу. Вимоги: Відповідальність та пунктуальність; Гарні комунікативні навички; Бажання працювати...

Малаховський І.В., ФОП,
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