IT Recruiter

DevsData LLC

Дата: 3 дні тому
Місто: Львів
Зарплата: 29 018 ₴ - 33 163 ₴
Вид зайнятості: Повна зайнятість
DevsData LLC

IT Recruiter

  • Salary: 700 - 800 USD per month
  •  Full-time
  •  100% Remote
  •  A unique opportunity to kickstart your business career and work in a dynamic, fast-paced startup environment.

Are you interested in working with the most innovative startups in the US and international clients? You've come to the right place! We connect skilled programmers with top job opportunities from across the globe.


  • At least 0.5 years of work experience (preferably in the IT industry)

  • Availability for a minimum of 35 hours per week

  • Strong command of the English language

  • Proficient in MS Word and Excel, or Google Sheets and Google Docs

  • Ability to independently organize tasks and work efficiently with minimal supervision

  • Ability to prioritize tasks/goals and track progress


  • Managing international IT recruitment processes

  • Sourcing candidates for specific recruitment processes as needed

  • Conducting HR video interviews to assess candidates' soft skills

  • Maintaining regular communication with clients and candidates

  • Building and expanding the candidate database

  • Analyzing the effectiveness of recruitment campaigns and candidate sourcing channels

You're an ideal candidate if you  :

  • Interest in Recruitment or IT

  • Previous recruitment experience is a strong plus

  • Academic background in Business, Psychology, or Computer Science

  • Experience in managing end-to-end recruitment processes

  • A proactive thinker who can consider multiple angles, explore different solutions, and evaluate their potential outcomes

  • Member of a student organization, non-university group, or volunteer experience

  • Comfortable in a fast-paced, dynamic environment

  • Motivated to explore various business sectors and advance quickly

What do we offer?

  • Remote work: If you'd like, you can work from places like Hawaii 

  • A unique opportunity to work with international clients, top corporations (this year, we provided recruitment services for BCG and Klarna), demanding industry startups, and hedge funds from Singapore and Hong Kong

  • An exciting chance to kickstart your business career with a diverse range of tasks and responsibilities from day one — no repetitive work here!

  • A rare opportunity to develop business skills alongside technological expertise in the international market

  • Mentoring program: From the start, you'll have a dedicated mentor-manager to guide you every step of the way and teach you valuable insights

Get to know DevsData!

DevsData LLC is a premium recruitment agency & consulting company providing its services to clients from all around the world. Agility, constant adaptation to dynamically changing environmental conditions, and the creation of our own, unique solutions are our hallmarks. We believe in the power of brainstorming and experimentation, as well as learning through failure. Challenges and complex projects are not something we are afraid of, which is why our motto is: "For demanding clients and challenging projects".

Як відгукнутися?

Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.

Розмістити резюме

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