Trainee Software Engineer (C/Embedded) IRC253755

Our client is one of the United States largest high-speed Internet, video and phone providers to residential customers.
Technical skill set in software development and a command of C, Networking and Embedded Linux.
Awareness on WLAN, Ethernet drivers along with TCP/IP, switching & routing, Ethernet, Bridging.
Software development expereince using Git.
Job responsibilities
Work as a part of the C & Linux-Embeded team to develop reliable and scalable WiFi solutions.
Actively participate in software design and code reviews.
Expected to work independently with good problem resolving skills.
What we offer
Culture of caring. At GlobalLogic, we prioritize a culture of caring. Across every region and department, at every level, we consistently put people first. From day one, you’ll experience an inclusive culture of acceptance and belonging, where you’ll have the chance to build meaningful connections with collaborative teammates, supportive managers, and compassionate leaders.
Learning and development. We are committed to your continuous learning and development. You’ll learn and grow daily in an environment with many opportunities to try new things, sharpen your skills, and advance your career at GlobalLogic. With our Career Navigator tool as just one example, GlobalLogic offers a rich array of programs, training curricula, and hands-on opportunities to grow personally and professionally.
Interesting & meaningful work. GlobalLogic is known for engineering impact for and with clients around the world. As part of our team, you’ll have the chance to work on projects that matter. Each is a unique opportunity to engage your curiosity and creative problem-solving skills as you help clients reimagine what’s possible and bring new solutions to market. In the process, you’ll have the privilege of working on some of the most cutting-edge and impactful solutions shaping the world today.
Balance and flexibility. We believe in the importance of balance and flexibility. With many functional career areas, roles, and work arrangements, you can explore ways of achieving the perfect balance between your work and life. Your life extends beyond the office, and we always do our best to help you integrate and balance the best of work and life, having fun along the way!
High-trust organization. We are a high-trust organization where integrity is key. By joining GlobalLogic, you’re placing your trust in a safe, reliable, and ethical global company. Integrity and trust are a cornerstone of our value proposition to our employees and clients. You will find truthfulness, candor, and integrity in everything we do.
About GlobalLogic
GlobalLogic, a Hitachi Group Company, is a trusted digital engineering partner to the world’s largest and most forward-thinking companies. Since 2000, we’ve been at the forefront of the digital revolution – helping create some of the most innovative and widely used digital products and experiences. Today we continue to collaborate with clients in transforming businesses and redefining industries through intelligent products, platforms, and services.
Our client is one of the United States largest high-speed Internet, video and phone providers to residential customers.
Technical skill set in software development and a command of C, Networking and Embedded Linux.
Awareness on WLAN, Ethernet drivers along with TCP/IP, switching & routing, Ethernet, Bridging.
Software development expereince using Git.
Job responsibilities
Work as a part of the C & Linux-Embeded team to develop reliable and scalable WiFi solutions.
Actively participate in software design and code reviews.
Expected to work independently with good problem resolving skills.
What we offer
Culture of caring. At GlobalLogic, we prioritize a culture of caring. Across every region and department, at every level, we consistently put people first. From day one, you’ll experience an inclusive culture of acceptance and belonging, where you’ll have the chance to build meaningful connections with collaborative teammates, supportive managers, and compassionate leaders.
Learning and development. We are committed to your continuous learning and development. You’ll learn and grow daily in an environment with many opportunities to try new things, sharpen your skills, and advance your career at GlobalLogic. With our Career Navigator tool as just one example, GlobalLogic offers a rich array of programs, training curricula, and hands-on opportunities to grow personally and professionally.
Interesting & meaningful work. GlobalLogic is known for engineering impact for and with clients around the world. As part of our team, you’ll have the chance to work on projects that matter. Each is a unique opportunity to engage your curiosity and creative problem-solving skills as you help clients reimagine what’s possible and bring new solutions to market. In the process, you’ll have the privilege of working on some of the most cutting-edge and impactful solutions shaping the world today.
Balance and flexibility. We believe in the importance of balance and flexibility. With many functional career areas, roles, and work arrangements, you can explore ways of achieving the perfect balance between your work and life. Your life extends beyond the office, and we always do our best to help you integrate and balance the best of work and life, having fun along the way!
High-trust organization. We are a high-trust organization where integrity is key. By joining GlobalLogic, you’re placing your trust in a safe, reliable, and ethical global company. Integrity and trust are a cornerstone of our value proposition to our employees and clients. You will find truthfulness, candor, and integrity in everything we do.
About GlobalLogic
GlobalLogic, a Hitachi Group Company, is a trusted digital engineering partner to the world’s largest and most forward-thinking companies. Since 2000, we’ve been at the forefront of the digital revolution – helping create some of the most innovative and widely used digital products and experiences. Today we continue to collaborate with clients in transforming businesses and redefining industries through intelligent products, platforms, and services.
Як відгукнутися?
Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.
Розмістити резюмеСхожі вакансії
Рекрутер/ HR manager
Пащенко, ФОП,
16 000 ₴
40 000 ₴
10 годин тому
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Адміністратор хостелу
Простір комфорту,
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