Legislative Initiative Monitoring Analyst

Working at DTEK is an opportunity to become part of a professional team that supports and develops the energy infrastructure of the Ukrainian and European markets.
DTEK is the largest private national investor. We invest in the development of the Ukrainian energy industry — introducing innovative technologies and building new capacities, developing new business lines and modernizing production.
We invite you to cooperate if you are interested in being involved in the strategic controlling of the trading business.
Responsibilities And Tasks
DTEK is the largest private national investor. We invest in the development of the Ukrainian energy industry — introducing innovative technologies and building new capacities, developing new business lines and modernizing production.
We invite you to cooperate if you are interested in being involved in the strategic controlling of the trading business.
Responsibilities And Tasks
- Monitoring of registered and published draft laws on the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
- Tracking initiatives posted on the websites of Ministries, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and the National Commission for the Promotion of Energy and Utilities.
- Analysis and formation of legal and economic conclusions regarding legislative initiatives.
- Preparation of information reports, reviews, reports, presentations, analytical materials.
- Performing Ad Hoc queries.
- Monitoring the status of consideration of initiatives by state bodies and the Verkhovna Rada.
- Generating reports and preparing information according to established forms.
- Developing recommendations and participating in strategic discussions on lobbying initiatives.
- Higher education in law.
- Additional education or certificates in the fields of energy, regulatory policy, or economics are an advantage.
- 2 years of work experience in regulatory policy, legal practice, or public administration.
- Knowledge of the legislative process in Ukraine.
- Ability to analyze regulatory and legal acts and prepare analytical reports and presentations.
- English at level B1–B2 (for working with international sources).
- Excellent communication skills and ability to work with large amounts of information.
- Competitive salary and benefits package;
- Provision of health insurance after the end of the three-month probationary period;
- Training at the DTEK Academy (online courses, classroom trainings, master classes, closed clubs, professional communities);
- Opportunity for professional and career growth;
- Work in a modern office and with a highly professional team;
- Participation in interesting and meaningful projects;
- Reliable shelter;
- Shuttle to the nearest metro stations;
- The opportunity to make a significant contribution to the development of the country.
Як відгукнутися?
Щоб відгукнутися на цю вакансію, вам необхідно авторизуватися на нашому сайті. Якщо у вас ще немає облікового запису, будь ласка, зареєструйтесь.
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