Quality Assurance Engineer
Atlas Technica

Position Name: Jr. Cloud Engineer
Reports To: Cloud Engineering Manager
Location/Type: Remote, Ukraine
Atlas Technica's mission is to shoulder IT management, user support, and cybersecurity for our clients, who are hedge funds and other investment firms. Founded in 2016, we have grown 100% year over year through our uncompromising focus on service.
We value ownership, execution, growth, intelligence, and camaraderie. We are looking for people who share our Core Values, thrive, and contribute to this environment while putting the customer first. At Atlas Technica, we offer a competitive salary, comprehensive benefits, and great perks to our global Team. We strive to maintain a professional yet friendly environment while promoting professional and career development for our Team Members. Join Atlas Technica now!
We are seek a Quality Assurance Engineer to join our rapidly growing organization. This highly technical role provides excellent career development opportunities for the successful candidate. As a Quality Assurance Engineer, you will be responsible for conducting quality assessments and providing validation reports against established company technical standards and procedures.
Reports To: Cloud Engineering Manager
Location/Type: Remote, Ukraine
Atlas Technica's mission is to shoulder IT management, user support, and cybersecurity for our clients, who are hedge funds and other investment firms. Founded in 2016, we have grown 100% year over year through our uncompromising focus on service.
We value ownership, execution, growth, intelligence, and camaraderie. We are looking for people who share our Core Values, thrive, and contribute to this environment while putting the customer first. At Atlas Technica, we offer a competitive salary, comprehensive benefits, and great perks to our global Team. We strive to maintain a professional yet friendly environment while promoting professional and career development for our Team Members. Join Atlas Technica now!
We are seek a Quality Assurance Engineer to join our rapidly growing organization. This highly technical role provides excellent career development opportunities for the successful candidate. As a Quality Assurance Engineer, you will be responsible for conducting quality assessments and providing validation reports against established company technical standards and procedures.
- Perform functional, system, security, and performance tests for:
- PowerShell scripts
- Python scripts and applications
- Azure logic apps
- Rewst workflows
- PowerBi reports
- Write test documentation (checklists, test cases, scenarios, mind maps)
- Continually evolve the Quality Control process and assist in reporting, tracking, and fixing issues
- Introduce and improve efficiencies by automating testing routines
- Collaborate and maintain open communication with internal stakeholders about issues, risks, and status updates
- English level – B2 or higher
- 2-3 years of IT Projects, integrations, and support with a focus on Azure and Microsoft 365 (full stack).
- Experience in writing test documentation (checklists, test cases, scenarios, mind maps)
- Knowledge of PowerShell
- Knowledge of T-SQL
- Experience with manual and automated testing
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
- Strong technical documentation skills
- Strong attention to detail
- Experience in web testing
- Experience with scripting languages used in test automation
- Working with APIs
- Experience with AWS
- Desire to learn new technologies
- A Bachelor’s degree in a computer-related field, Engineering, Mathematics, or equivalent experience
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